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Arrested Development

Likely in hopes of winning back its legions of still-disgruntled users, Netflix has struck a deal to finally, actually bring back Arrested Development for a new season, which will start airing in early 2013.

The episodes will air exclusively on the site's Watch Instantly streaming service and will be available to U.S. users only. It's still unclear how many episodes there will be, and none of the lead actors have actually finalized deals yet, though Jason Bateman tweeted that there should be ten episodes, which will shoot next summer.

Netflix is calling the move a "landmark deal," as it marks the first time a studio has produced a television show to be aired solely on a web-based outlet rather than an actual network. "Everyone, ourselves included, seems to feel like the Bluths left the party a bit too soon," said co-producers Ron Howard and Brian Grazer in a statement.  

Shaky thought it is, this whole deal sounds pretty cool. Is it maybe time to bury the hatchet with Netflix?

Commentarium (5 Comments)

Nov 19 11 - 1:31pm

Bring it to Canada!!

Nov 19 11 - 8:47pm

There will eventually be DVDs and Blu-Rays, though, right? I mean, COME ON!

Nov 20 11 - 5:41pm

Yeah right! Like the guy in three $3000 suit is going to wait until 2013! C'MON!

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