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Maria, 24

What do you do for a living?
I work in payroll at a staffing agency.

That sounds like it gets you a lot of action.
It hasn't gotten me action, but it has got me numbers. Those haven't really lead anywhere, though.

Where's the craziest place you've had sex?
I'm kind of an old-fashioned gal. I haven't really done anything crazy. Maybe on the stairs, leading up?

Wait, what?
The stairs. He caught me before we even got up.

Like, in an apartment building?
In a house.

Do you have any crazy ex-boyfriends?
I do. He broke into my MySpace, when that was in. He broke into my AOL account, when that was big. When it rained, he would come to see me at work, with an umbrella.

While you were dating?
No, we had broken up.

What did he do with your MySpace account?
He figured out my password and started messaging a bunch of guys I was friends with, asking them a bunch of random questions. And now he's tracked me down on Facebook.

I hope you don't have the same password. What kind of guy do you like?
Taller, kind of built. But I'm okay with a pasta belly.

Do you have any dealbreakers?
Yes, if a guy's wearing a shirt and his chest hair is peeking through it, I will keep walking.

Do you think you've ever offended anyone in the bedroom?
Probably ninety-five percent of the time. I'm not a giver, for lack of a better term.



Kurt, 26

What do you do for a living?
I'm a research analyst.

Does that get you any action?
No, I usually don't talk about my job when I'm picking up chicks. But I mean, I don't think it does damage, because I have a job and that's always good.

How do you go about picking up a woman if you like her?
I have two primary sources of getting chicks. I have what I call my back-up, and that's OkCupid. I haven't really had any long-term relationships come out of OkCupid — it's mostly one-night stands. For me, the best way to find a girlfriend is at a bar.

That's the opposite of most people, I think. What are you into?
The kind of girls I like are counter to the typical Manhattan female — you know, the trendy, intellectual-feminist-atheist kind of chick. I'm not in to that at all.

Do you have any favorite hook-up stories?
A few weeks back, I met a girl in the Lower East Side. I was with all my friends. One of them was a girl I used to hook-up with. She was like "Come on, I want to be your wing-woman. I want to get you laid." Junior-high-dance style, she went up to this girl and was like, "That guy wants to dance with you," and the girl was like, "Okay." So I went over and we hit it off really well. We started making out, and ended up going home together.

Have you ever been offended in the bedroom?
Not really. I'm kind of kinky and dirty and stuff — I mean, as kinky and dirty as heterosexual male-female sex can get. But I was hooking up with this one chick, and before anything got too serious she just stood up and was like, "I've got to go. I'm sorry." I'd never had a girl walk out on me in the middle of hooking up before. Maybe she hadn't hooked up with someone since her last boyfriend — that sort of thing.

Yeah, either that or she got her period.
No, we were past that point. I knew she didn't have her period.



Zgizelle, 46

What do you do for a living?
I'm an actress, and I teach ballet.

Oh damn, does that get you any action?
No, no, no. Most of the men are...

Yeah. So I get no action.

So if you like a guy, how do you make it happen?
If I like a guy, I let him know with my eyes. But I'm a Virgo, so I'm very picky. I analyze everything.

What kind of guys do you like?
He has to have a flat stomach; I can't do the beer thing. No smoking or eating meat, because I'm a vegan. I look at his skin and his eyes, and I can tell if he's healthy. I like confident men. You have to have what we call swagger!

Do you have a weakness?
No, but if there's something I don't like about a guy, I'm gonna let him know. Like, "This dinner is over, bye, nice meeting you."

Have you ever done that?
Yes, I have. I was out on a date, and the guy had told me he was vegan. Then he ordered chicken. I said to him, "I'll be right back, I'm going to the restroom," and I went out the back door.

Has anyone ever offended you in the bedroom?
Yes! He couldn't perform. I told him, "You gotta pull out. It's not gonna happen." His penis was crooked; it was like a hook. He was a nice person, but it would not work. We tried every position.

Do you have any crazy ex-boyfriends?
No, I've been lucky. I guess it's because I'm real: if I'm not feeling you, let's just end it before we get serious. And don't stalk me because listen, I'm crazy, I'll put you in jail.

Wait, are you the crazy ex?
If I tell you to leave me alone and stop calling me, and you continue, then I'm gonna get crazy. I'm gonna go to your house and bust out your windows. I'm gonna find your car. One time I Krazy Glued my ex's penis.

You Krazy Glued his penis?
I knew he was cheating, but he wouldn't admit it. So I got him really drunk, so wasted he couldn't even walk. I put him in bed, waited an hour until he was asleep, and then I put Krazy Glue on his penis, his balls, everything. Later he got up to take a shower and was like, "Zgizelle! What's this?" I worked at a health clinic, so I was like, "Oh, that looks like chlamydia. That's a sexually transmitted disease, and the only way you can catch it is by having sex. So you must've done something!" And then he admitted it.

 Interviews by Meghan Pleticha. Photography by Sean McGurn.

Comments ( 29 )

Hey Kurt, maybe she left because she was an intellectual, feminist, atheist type, who isn't that into guys who use the phrase 'kinky and dirty as heterosexual male female sex gets'

aa commented on Jun 10 10 at 12:22 am

Woah... Zgizelle is off the hook.

rt commented on Jun 10 10 at 12:38 am

Kurt is hilariously douche-y. He's like an 80s yuppie or something, I don't even know.

Dee commented on Jun 10 10 at 12:49 am

natasha is so i'm gonna get asleep now?

axa commented on Jun 10 10 at 1:04 am

Kurt + Zgizelle + Krazy Glue. make it happen Hooksexup

be commented on Jun 10 10 at 1:08 am

Questions are a little lame this week..

Joe commented on Jun 10 10 at 1:49 am

"I'm not a giver, for lack of a better term."

Awesome. Another bedroom princess.

Ryan commented on Jun 10 10 at 3:13 am

"his penis was crooked. it was a like a hook." I need more friends like this lady

Lemon commented on Jun 10 10 at 10:20 am

Zgizelle sounds like an absolute nightmare. She might be a fun nightmare, though.

Me commented on Jun 10 10 at 10:39 am

Yep, though at least she's upfront about it. "Not a giver" probably means "I don't actually like sex, and don't know how to get myself off either. I just lie there, wait for it to be over, and occasionally make passive-aggressive comments."

People like that are such a pain in the ass, especially the sort-of cute ones like Maria. You meet them in a bar or whatever, convince yourself they've got "quirky good looks", and then you get them home and find out just how terrible they are in bed. I wish people who are knowingly shitty lays would just tattoo it on their forehead.

@Ryan commented on Jun 10 10 at 10:40 am

Someone needs to super-glue Zgizelle's twat shut. And her mouth.

moops commented on Jun 10 10 at 10:42 am

(Or it could just mean "I don't give blowjobs", which is sort of the same thing.)

@Ryan commented on Jun 10 10 at 10:42 am

Did you just take a look at Zgizelle's body?... she's hot... she's 46. I think I need to start going to a dance class again.

Cinthia commented on Jun 10 10 at 11:56 am

Natasha had me until the "waste of my reputation" bullshit.

AD commented on Jun 10 10 at 1:18 pm

Oh, and Dean has really low standards and is likely to remain single forever. Or divorced quickly.

AD commented on Jun 10 10 at 1:20 pm

Zgizelle sounds like a dream. She is violent, into destruction of property and sexual assault. Is sold on a guy simply by how he looks and pretends to be. Buy hey, she is a VEGAN! That makes it all better, doesn't it?

AD commented on Jun 10 10 at 1:33 pm

With the exception of Emily and maybe Dean (I mean she was playing out her fantasy, right), these all seem like fairly terrible, selfish people.

JM commented on Jun 10 10 at 2:38 pm

Who wants to bet that Zgizelle's real name is Esther or Rhonda?

moops commented on Jun 10 10 at 4:01 pm

Zgizelle is awesome! and super hot for her age! a bit terrifying, but in a fun way. I'd be friends with her.
Kurt on the other hand is a total douchewaffle. what does he even mean, that he only likes stupid, man worshipping religious girls with low self esteem? sounds like a misogynist asshole to me.

sylvia commented on Jun 10 10 at 6:20 pm

I love Zgizelle. She's hilarious.

le commented on Jun 10 10 at 8:42 pm

@moops: you are a hateful person. If you have a beef with Zgizelle, then spell it out, we don't need your bullshit here, or anywhere

El commented on Jun 11 10 at 3:05 am

Huh? There are plenty of "hateful" comments on Hooksexup but moops's was totally innocuous. If her folks named her Zgizelle, more power to 'em, but a lot of black women of her generation traded in their Rhondas, LaVernes, and Etta Maes for something funkier. It's a cliché, and there's no shame in that, but it's not like we'd bat an eye if Chris Rock or Chappelle made fun of it.

@El commented on Jun 11 10 at 11:07 am

I think they thought I was hateful because I suggested supergluing her vagina shut. But I don't see what's wrong with that... she herself admitted (almost gleefully) doing the same thing to her boyfriend.

moops commented on Jun 11 10 at 11:16 am

...but Zgizelle said she is "real". And everyone know that "real" people are the best. especially the ones who are so straight up. You know like she is gonna tell you when it ain't workin. Like she did with the chicken ordering vegan guy...oh wait she said she was going to the bathroom and went out the back door. so "real" .

Jack commented on Jun 11 10 at 4:17 pm

Hey, my names's Rhonda. What's wrong with that? I'm also 46. But I would never super glue anyone (maybe that's why my name is still Rhonda).

Rhonda commented on Jun 11 10 at 6:39 pm

@ Sylvia: It's funny to me that Kurt liking dumb, religious girls makes him a misogynist asshole, but destructive, sociopathic behavior makes Zgizelle awesome and fun. I think there is a bit of a double standard here. If it was a man who got his girlfriend drunk and put krazy glue on her vagina, you would probably be horrified. Don't get me wrong, Kurt probably is a complete douche, but Zgizelle sounds like a fucking psycho. Just because she is a hip, counter-cultural vegan, she can pass off her neuroses as funky and bohemian, when in reality she should probably be committed.

Josef_K commented on Jun 12 10 at 10:56 am

hi how are you

vibuthe commented on Jun 12 10 at 7:03 pm

What do you think?

vibuthe commented on Jun 12 10 at 7:03 pm

i like sex as

vibuthe commented on Jun 12 10 at 7:04 pm

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