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Obscura by Arnoud Bakker
It was all a blur. /photography/
Crush by Mia Donovan
Band guys after the show. /photography/
Film Reviews by Mike D'Angelo, Bilge Ebiri and Logan Hill
The Ice Harvest is a fun crime caper; Syriana is an academic political thriller. Plus, Date DVD.
Punch-Drunk Love by Emily Mead
Talking cocktails and cosmology with the author of Alcoholica Esoterica. /books/
Scanner by Ada Calhoun
Now daily! Today: New York magazine's unintentionally revealing spread, and Ricky Martin likes non-gender-specific spanking.
The Hooksexup Interview: John Malkovich by Michael Martin
Talking with the producer and star of The Libertine. /film/
Star Pupil by Alan Hollinghurst
"There was a mastered shyness in his face; his movements had the seductive blur of drink." /fiction/
Soap Box by Lisa Carver, John Darnielle and Neal Medlyn
A roundtable on the most sexually twisted daytime drama of all time: Days of Our Lives. /tv/
Little Murders by Bruce LaBruce
An interview with Rebecca Godfrey, author of the teenage In Cold Blood. /books/
Friction by Craig Davidson
"Spraypainted on the door in pink letters matching her fingernails is the word GOMORRAH." /fiction/
The Weekly Pic by Jason Wishnow
Our favorite online video. This week: Us in fifty years.
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Various
Check out the October photo contest winners! /regulars/
Horoscopes by Neal Medlyn
Your week in sex.


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