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AUGUST 14-20

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
Like the loser in a teen movie, you'll endure mockery and derision from the popular kids this week. But you'll be vindicated by week's end when they make fools of themselves in front of their hot significant others — hot significant others with whom you'll quickly establish a passionate sexual relationship. Now that you're cool, take care not to become one of those bullies who made your life hell. Set a new standard for nice-guy popularity.

Gemini (May 21-Jun. 21)
An intellectual connection will yield untold sexual thrills this week, much like the mind-meld practiced by Vulcans on Star Trek. Not that I ever watch Star Trek [nervous laughter]. Don't let the higher math result in too much talk and too little action. Use your newfound wisdom to concoct the ultimate, physics-defying sex position. Practice it in zero gravity if possible.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)


This week, a friendship will be strained as you and said friend compete for the same crotch. But step back and you'll see that it's not really the crotch you're after — you're just feeling ruthlessly competitive. Why do you feel the need to one-up this friend? Ponder this question as you offer to share the third party's crotch, either by alternating nights or engaging in a threesome.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22)
This week, you'll feel feminine. If you're a man, that means you'll enjoy a sense of well-being as you pad around the bedroom in a nightgown. If you're a woman, you'll want to pile on every tulle, chiffon and flowery perfume you own. In either case, plucked eyebrows and pouty lips will be your ticket to happiness, so smear some Vaseline on the camera lens of your life — as maybe on something battery operated, too.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 21)
Your tendency to act as therapist, cop and sexual arbiter for everyone will lead to trouble this week. Friends will not benefit from hearing your opinions on their every one-night stand. Step back and allow folks to work out their own issues, instead of constantly getting involved. Comments like, "Well, for starters, you're really bad at giving head" only foster resentment.

Libra (Sept. 22-Oct. 22)
Sometimes just a wiggle of the finger can change the course of history, and this week that fateful finger will be on your hand. It could be something as small as pushing "send" on that email to a liberal advocacy group, pledging them your life savings. Since you don't have much money, however, it'll more likely be a wiggle that will solidify your spot in someone's personal Orgasm Hall of Fame. Consider the consequences of even the smallest actions.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
No need to push this week. Pushing your opinions and needs on others will alienate people. Similarly, don't push others in the direction that you think is best — allow them to learn from their mistakes. In fact, the only area you should push is the pelvic area, preferably in a repetitive, rhythmic motion, slow at first, then faster, culminating in more of a pounding gesture than pushing, really.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Like a swashbuckler from melodramatic, over-budget films of old, you'll swing from chandeliers and battle the French army singlehandedly this week. Not literally, of course, but that's how you'll look and feel. Your enthusiasm and fearlessness will be contagious, prompting others to take risks and seize the day. Capitalize on your inevitable success by sweeping a crush off their feet. You look fantastic in those tight high-waisted britches, so now is the time.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
This week will feature constant comedy, mitigating bad blood and fostering new friendships. Just don't mistake these good vibes for a sign that you should put together a six-minute audition for Last Comic Standing. Most comedians shouldn't be comedians, and most of the rest of us should think twice before taking it up. Keep your act confined to friends and family who are willing to laugh politely.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
This week, you'll seek war-whooping, barrier-crashing sex. You'll crush beer cans with your crotch and wrap Old Glory around you and several other naked people who are just as obliquely angry as you are. You'll support foreign policies that resemble your "fuck all y'all!" attitude toward sex and fantasize about a threeway between you, Bruce Willis and Ann Coulter. Be aware, however, that this sort of demeanor rubs some people the wrong way. If someone complains, tell that liberal apologizer to go fuck themselves.
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
Like Marty McFly, spun into a rage any time someone calls him chicken, your week will be rife with conflict as you find yourself unwilling to cede ground or take flack. (You'll be spared other McFly-like personal problems, however, like having your mother proposition you.) Avoid getting drunk, as this will only intensify your hostility, and stick to situations where you're unlikely to encounter differences of opinion.
Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)
You may find yourself in the mood for lotions and oils, Zen-like intercourse and soulful kisses this week. Usually such sensual pleasures rank low on your list of fun sex ideas, but your scruffy inner hippie is in full patchouli bloom. Just make sure that whoever's chakra you choose to explore is ready for such scented delights.

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