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Have a question? Email . Letters may be edited for length, content and clarity.

Dear Miss Information,
     I'm a twenty-nine-year-old man who's been with the same guy for three years. We've lived together for about half that time, and everything is great except for one thing. When he gets really stressed or freaked out, he cheats on me. This has happened maybe five or six times over the course of our relationship, or so he says (I've found out about it a couple of times when he's been careless). I believe that he doesn't want to be doing this. He's incredibly remorseful, and we've seen a therapist about it in the past. The therapist says that it's similar to alcoholism and he can't control it. It's making me crazy and depressed. I feel like it's unfair to leave him over something he has no control over, especially when he's a great guy in every other respect. I know that your first reaction is going to be, "Dump him, he's a jerk." But I'm not sure that's really the case. Nevertheless, I'd like your advice. Irresistible Belief


Dear Irresistible Belief,
     He can't control it. Fine. But does that mean you have to live with it? No. Would you be asking me these questions if he were putting vodka in his morning coffee or had a mouthful of meth teeth? I think the nature of the addiction (internal as opposed to external) and the way it plays out (the two of you versus a drunk who lashes out at co-workers and friends) makes it harder for you to see it in all its unvarnished glory.
     Addicts aren't bad people. A lot of them are very nice. But they're no fun in a relationship. They lie, they disappoint, they break promises. They do the same stupid shit again and again. No one ever wakes up and says, "Hey, I think I'll fuck up my life," so it's natural to empathize with the addict's plight. But in no way should you feel like you're being "unfair" if you decide to leave your boyfriend. You have to do what's best for you and your life. That may involve removing him from the equation.
     If you don't want to do that, the least you can do is make him act like the addict he claims to be. We're talking consistent attendance at individual and couples therapy, twelve-step meetings, dopey self-help books with soaring birds and pastel sunsets on the cover. How aggressively he follows treatment will tell you whether the problem is real, and how committed he is to fighting. He can't blow off going to the shrink, then shriek "But I'm an addict!" when you catch him with Tom, Dick or Harry (perhaps all three). Make sure you're using protection and get tested regularly for STDs. Feelings aren't the only thing at stake here.

Dear Miss Information,       
     I am divorcing my wife after seven years of marriage. She was screwing another guy while I was in the hospital. She's telling me to go on dates. Should I? It's only been a month since we filed, but I am lonely and need some action! I am interested in dating an old flame from college, but I also have my son caught up in this crap. I'm just confused and would love your thoughts. Hippocampus

Dear Hippocampus,
     You don't ask an anorexic for a pecan-pie recipe, and you don't go to your ex-wife for dating advice. It's called "conflict of interest," and if you don't know what that means, I'm sure her legal representative would be happy to tell you. Even if her offer's sincere, everything's too new right now to make a rational decision. You guys could get back together, the fighting could escalate, one (or both) of you could pull some bullshit custody stunt.
     Wait until the divorce is finalized, six months go by, your ex-wife gets engaged to this hospital jackoff, or whichever comes first. In the interim, hit the gym, sharpen the wardrobe and do whatever the hell it is you like to do in large amounts. It doesn't seem like it now, but it'll be all too soon before you're in another relationship, wondering where all that "me time" went.
     This old flame from college could go two ways: She could be a safe, reliable booty call. She could also draw you right back into a relationship. Only you know which way the worm will turn. It's all about risk assessment. Here are your priorities: son first, you second, everything else (including your ex-wife) a distant third.

Dear Miss Info,
    During my year or so of internet dating, I have corresponded with several men who never use my name in their emails to me. Granted, email is informal, but it says something bad when someone fails to personally address a personal communication.  I know I have a common name, but it's right there in my email address!  And invariably, if I meet these guys, they turn out to be inattentive or uninterested. I hate to characterize everyone this way. I've just connected with a match who seems really sweet — aside from not using my name. What would be a clever, clear and kind way to address this with him? Or should I wait and ask once we meet? —
The Sweetest Sound

Dear Sweetest Sound,
     I went to a housewarming party the other day. It took more than an hour of wine slurping and cheese-plate plundering before I realized I was the only one in a room of twenty still wearing her shoes. Everyone else had checked theirs at the door. Here I was, stomping around in my size elevens and thinking I'm Miss Etiquette because I bothered to bring my hostess a gift, a votive that cost as much as a small chandelier. In a matter of seconds, I lost the boots and rejoined the party.
     If you pay attention, Sweetest Sound, you'll see that I'm making two points here: first, it's possible for even the most polite of people to be rude upon occasion. Second, when it comes to matters of small consequence, it's usually best to just let it go, lest you disrupt the party. My hostess knew her floors weren't going to be harmed irrevocably because of a little tracked-in dog piss, and you know that an improper email salutation isn't a deal-breaker. Given a choice between a nice guy who gives bad email and an asshole who fills your inbox with "Dearest Cindy"s, I'm sure I know which one you'd pick.
     The best way to show him what you want is to do like my friend and her party guests did — by setting an example, a kinder, gentler variation on the age-old tactic of shaming. Make sure all your emails have proper intros, bodies and closures. Be consistent, and keep getting more formal if you have to. He'll catch on.
     If he doesn't, tell him you get a lot of spam and only messages that bear your name make it through the filter. You could also say you had a near-miss with a flirty reply-to and putting your name front and center would help ensure you proposition him and not Muriel from Accounting. Finally, you could just ask him: "I'd love it if you'd use my name more often when we're conversing via email." Simple. Easy. Done.
     Whatever your choice of phrase, I'd wait until after you meet him. No use busting your ass on the detail work if the raw material isn't there. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to install a mirrored ceiling on my Humvee. . .


Previous Miss Info

©2006 Erin Bradley and

Comments ( 9 )


Love the column, as always. However, you

SAR commented on Nov 15 06 at 3:34 pm

I rarely use people's name in emails except for greetings and erotic ones. Her name is already in the email address+"From" field. I think she is asking too much. Maybe she can ask him to use naughty/non-naughty pet name. She admitted her name is boring, why torture the guy? On the side note: we should all switch to numbers! :D

SV commented on Nov 15 06 at 4:59 pm

A minor point, not such a big deal, but "meth mouth" is a crock. See:

This doesn't undermine the advice given here, but there is no sense in contributing to government and media anti-drug propaganda and hysteria.

DM commented on Nov 15 06 at 5:39 pm

Whether people use others' names in email depends on where they grew up. I have been using email for about 30 years, and most of my correspondents *never* put the recipients' names in their messages. After all, the system already puts that information there, and repeating it just takes up limited screen space. On the other hand, I'm familiar with other communities that got started later in the email game who treat email like paper mail, with greetings, signatures, and the whole nine yards.

So I think being upset because someone doesn't use your name in email is the like being upset because you don't like someone's accent.

ARK commented on Nov 15 06 at 6:24 pm

Hippocampus needs to protect himself by playing it cool in regards to romance until the divorce is signed & sealed. His soon-to-be ex knows she's been the shitty side of the TP & my worry is that she's encouraging him to get his dick, & therefore his reputation, dirty before the court proceedings.

If he has a good lawyer he probably doesn't have to worry... but you never know. Maybe she's hoping you hook up with someone you've known for a while (like your old flame) so she can argue that you've been seeing her all along.

Stay clean, man - you have the rest of your life to get dirty.

wbm commented on Nov 17 06 at 1:02 pm

You have only been with him for a very short time. The longer you stay,the more your self worth will decline.You will start to blame yourself for his infidelity.
On the other hand, he will eventually meet someone who will look at you as a challenge, and pressure your partner to leave you, ( or your partner will start to blame you for his problems, and decide that he just has to get away)
The foundations of this relationship are built on shifting sands.The destructive way your partner has acted, will cause it to crumble.The one thing for sure,is that it will end badly. So, it's your choice. Leave now while you still have some of your self esteem entact, or later, when you are emotionally battered by his abuseive 'addiction'.

Car commented on Nov 18 06 at 10:05 am

Sweetie I went through a very simalar situtation with my ex-husband. when i was hospitilzed from a severe car wreck he slept around with every damn guy he could find. his action and your honeys actions are both hurtful and reckless in regards to your health. god knows what he's going to drag home from his catting around. do what I did leave now never minfd his feelings and the first thig you should do after walking out that door is get an aids test!

FJA commented on Nov 19 06 at 4:17 am

My friend if he is cheating on you it's time to let him go, and do it now before he brings into your home an unwanted social disease. He is what we call a "slut". No other way to describe his life style.

JO commented on Nov 20 06 at 10:50 am

To Hippocampus,
I guess I now know why Dr. Phil is living "HIGH ON THE HOG"! HAVE WE BECOME A NATION OF FOLLOWERS, NON-THINKERS.......I see us looking everywhere except to ourselves for answers.I guess that just makes it easier to get out of the responcibility of taking control of our own lives with no one to blame.....our mothers....our sneaky uncles.....our clergy.......our would be all on what a concept.

mac commented on Nov 28 06 at 1:13 am

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