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I Did It For Science by Grant Stoddard

To turn on the fountain of love.

State your hypothesis in the form of a prediction that can be verified by the results of the experiment.

Many people place female ejaculation in the same file as Sasquatch, the Loch Ness Monster and Chupacabra: titillating to think about, ultimately a crock of shit. It's sort of a sexual urban legend: a woman's ability to gush, shoot or drip ejaculate — not pee — as a result of G-spot stimulation. Yet according to many sex manuals and instructional vids, squirting can be readily learned, then regularly incorporated into mind-blowing sex with a partner. So until I conjure a tsunami d'amour from the crotch of my girlfriend, I'll continue to feel like half a man. I never imagined that not having to buy rubber sheets from the incontinence aisle at the pharmacy would leave me feeling sexually inadequate.

Please list all the materials required for this experiment (including, if applicable, how they were obtained).

DVD: New Sex Now (1)
Massage oil (cherry almond)
Book: The Big Bang

In this portion of your report, you must describe, step-by-step, what you did in your lab. It should be specific enough that someone who has not seen the lab can follow the directions and recreate the same lab.

Many of my experiments have put me in unfamiliar situations, but with female ejaculation I was really heading for (ahem) uncharted waters. I felt like Geraldo Rivera in 1986, opening Al Capone's vault on live television: I was headed for a wondrous discovery — or professional suicide and a possible future on daytime television.

First, let me say that I am a believer in female ejaculation. I have seen it with my own eyes. Kind of. In September of 2000, I was traveling home from a sex party-type thing at Lisa Carver's house. A couple named Lilly and Sven were giving me a ride from New Hampshire to Boston. En route to a funeral in Cheers country, they stopped by their house to change into suitable attire. As they dressed for mourning, Lilly sat me down in the living room and cheerfully put on a videotape of her and Sven fucking. In the ultimate scene, Sven helped Lilly produce an ejaculation so forceful that it hit the camera lens from five feet away and almost knocked it off the tripod. I was speechless. In porn, much trickery is employed to make vaginas appear to squirt — double the money shots, double the money, right? — but this was a couple's home movie produced for their own edification. That was enough evidence for me.

Much smack has been talked about a woman's ability to let her love flow. Some scientists have another name for female ejaculation: they call it pee. But in their new book The Big Bang, my esteemed colleagues Em and Lo note that female ejaculation was observed by the ancient Greeks, Japanese and Chinese. It's even discussed in the Kama Sutra. I envisioned a time when the streets of Carthage, Sparta and Babylon were awash with unencumbered vaginal juices. (Apparently, squirting got a bad rap only in the eighteenth century, when it was deemed unladylike. So it's apparently a lost art, like needlepoint or butter churning.) My further research indicated that many contemporary texts speak of the phenomenon. For example, in the Motley Crue memoir The Dirt, Tommy Lee refers to his ex-girlfriend Bullwinkle, who would keep the other band members entertained by squirting inordinate amounts of fluid across the group's living room.

At this point, I think it's important to address the reasons why one would want to soak the sheets in the first place. I called Lorelei, who was taken aback by my question. "Why?" she cried. "Because it's fucking cool, that's why!" Since female ejaculation usually, although not always, accompanies a G-spot orgasm, that appears to be the general consensus. When I quizzed other women about the accompanying physical sensations, I was told that it was a "different" kind of release, often more intense than a clitoral orgasm. "I never try to do it for anything but novel reasons," said one friend. "Like for the fun of it, or because my lover wants to see. Personally, I just like it because it's dirty in a very woman-power sort of way. And because I have a total juvenile fascination with what my body can do."

After realizing that I wasn't propositioning them, most of the women I spoke with had only vaguely heard of the phenomenon; they hadn't expreienced it firsthand. Some of my guy friends, however, told tales for days. Kris, a Londoner, said that although he hadn't slept with a squirter, his friend once had anal sex with a girl while employing a vibrator on her clitoris when the levee broke. Awestruck, I asked whether that was a regular occurrence, but apparently it was a one-night stand! (If I knew that people were having one-nighters in England involving sex toys, anal action and geysers of love juice, I'm not sure I would have left.) Another pal of mine, Dirk, waxed poetic about the composition of the ejaculate. "It's water, or even thinner than water, like alcohol. I had a tiny cut on my finger, and it really stung when it got on me. It definitely wasn't pee." Dirk couldn't remember "doing" anything different with his girl; he believes that some women do, and some just . . . don't. (This is a sentiment shared by Em and Lo.)

My good friend Bing, however, is a goal-oriented dude. He claims to have made three formally continent girls let it all out, each for the first time. After I called bullshit on his bravado, he went through the trouble of bringing another girl home, then snapping a digital picture of the puddle they produced. (While I'd like to think that he just threw a pint of water on his comforter, I'm pretty sure that even Bing wouldn't go that far. And before you ask — yes, he does have a Hooksexup Personals ad. Email me for details.) "There's no mystery to it," he assured me. "Just have tons of foreplay, like an hour or more, then go in, lean back and make sure you hit the sweet spot with your ridge."

As I was stewing with indignation about being ultimately, finally sexually trumped by Bing, my editor slapped a DVD on my desk. According to its cover, New Sex Now contains secret, step-by-step techniques that will give any man the ability to "give any woman squirting orgasms every time" and thus "become a sexual god." This looked promising. The testimonials on the back cover had me racing to get out of the office and ruin my bedding. ("This has got to be illegal!" My whole body just feels out of control — and I just can't stop cumming!")

I called my girlfriend, Erica, and said she was in for a treat.

Comments ( 47 )

Having had a girlfriend who could squirt on a regular basis, I wanted to confirm that an extreme emotional reaction can happen. This girl, after ejaculation, would often be overcome with either laughter or tears. Fortunately, she had forewarned me, as I would have been quite distraught if I hadn't known and she had burst into tears after she came. As a side note, while I could make her squrit nearly every time I wanted to with my fingers, or sometimes my tongue, she never ejaculated during intercourse.
EMM commented on Jul 16 03 at 12:14 pm
I'm a squirter....when i wanna be. And it doesn't take g-spot stimulation for me. It happens when i am taking particularly long to orgasm and i apply pressure (much like straining when you are constapated -sorry, but that's the best descriptor i could cum up with). My goal is to actually move blood to that area by applying pressure but if I continue to do that right as I orgasm, this thin watery liquid shoots out at rocket force. I do it for some guys because it makes them feel like the master, but have really noticed no difference in the quality or duration of an orgasm due to squirting. It's basically just messy.
dh commented on Jul 16 03 at 12:50 pm
Allow your girlfriend to try this for herself. I'm more of a gusher than a squirter, but it happens for me every time that I choose to rock out with my dildo. I have to do it fast and forcefully, but it's everywhere when I do, and quite quickly. I've never had a steady stream of it, but I've hit my foot when it was resting on the end of the bed one time... quite possibly one of my proudest moments. If at first you don't succeed, try try again... and then try some more. The worst that could happen is that you have a few orgasms!
LRD commented on Jul 16 03 at 1:52 am
Tworry not young lad! Not all felas can ejaculate with g-spot stimulation. Alone I can only do it with clitoral stimulation combined with kegel flexing. I've only ejaculated with another person once, and that was after many hours of foreplay with a combined tripple threat molestation of anal, vaginal, and clitoral molestation with one hand, and plus I was drunk. I agree with what others say that she might need to figure this out on her own before she can share the experience. The biggest factor for whether your lass will flow depends mostly on how comfortable she is, with you and with herself most of all. So, have faith and in time try again.
SEA commented on Jul 16 03 at 2:15 am
Grant - tell your web monkeys to close their tags just a bit earlier - 25% of your article doesn't need to be hyperlinked
BRS commented on Jul 16 03 at 9:17 am
Grant, after busting on Arte's lack of interest in Cherie X's experience, you turned around and did the same exact thing!! I want to know what was going on with Erica - she was obviously transfixed by at least some portion of your action, what happened? Where did you go wrong? When did it start going downhill? Could it have been done differently? May I respectfully suggest that you ask your lab partner to help you with your conclusion. ("Summarize your findings. Don't forget to attempt to identify possible variables that could result in different findings for others trying to recreate your test results.") After all, the experiment was about FEMALE ejaculation, not male boredom or even arm fatigue, for that matter!! Tell us something we don't know, man.
ks commented on Jul 16 03 at 10:31 am
look at it this way, it sounds more masculine than taking up the ass by her and her strap-on. if i were you i'd do a follow-up article along these lines. :)
tca commented on Jul 17 03 at 12:27 am
You're awesome Grant.
CAS commented on Jul 16 03 at 2:07 pm
I agree with the comment about your next experiment taking it up the bum! Do it for science Grant!!!!
KPE commented on Jul 16 03 at 2:09 pm
A word from a fellow F.E. Its not necessary all the time for g-spot stimulation to have female ejaculation. I ejaculate, just from being eaten out. I mean yeah I'm still not too comfortable with the fact that I do it, I'm only 22 and yeah I've read women shouldn't feel bad that they do, but I do feel kind of weird. I guess maybe because I may get the wrong response from a guy who may think i'm actually peeing rather than having this mind blowing orgasm. I guess as I get older maybe i'll get more comfortable with the fact that I do it.
S.B commented on Jul 16 03 at 2:29 pm
Write about it when you do!!! Curious what your experience is. And why do you never ask me about this stuff... bastard. Well done, as always Grant.
JM commented on Jul 16 03 at 2:47 pm
Grant...good article. And even though I didn't have a guide to tell me what to do (finger and motion-wise), I stumbled upon this phenomenon early in college with a girl who was to become my long-term girlfriend -- exactly because she ejaculated like a volcano! All I know is, it's real, and it's exciting. Also, it's definitely NOT pee. I mean, we had to change a lot of sheets, use towels under us for sex, etc., and none of the frequent trips to the laundrymat ever had me going, "eww, pee stains." Rather, it was, as your friend similarly described, more like saline solution with some lubricant thrown in for good measure. My girlfriend over time learned to control whether she wanted to make a mess or keep clean (fuck clean), and it certainly didn't take an hour to happen. This girl was ready, and extremely able, in just a few minutes to be squirting everywhere. Just wanted to chime in, and keep up the good work dispelling the damn pee myth! I've never really been able to convince other people that I wasn't getting a golden shower every time I had sex. One thing though...I've never seen it again after many other girls. Man...I miss that action.
BB commented on Jul 16 03 at 3:11 pm
In the name of scientific investigation, I felt the need to write and tell you that G-spot stimulation almost always evokes uncontrollable crying in me. I find it (the G-spot stimulation) pleasurable and can ignore my own crying, but the sobbing INVARIABLY freaks my partners out! --I guess I can understand that. If you could do some research on that, I'd really appreciate it! Anyway, I enjoyed your highly informative article.
C commented on Jul 16 03 at 3:12 pm
Just read your article on about female ejaculation. My last girlfriend and I had this happen a number of times, but neither of us really understood what was happening. Since our breakup, I have done some reading on the subject and have a few suggestions. One suggestion is a derivation of what you already tried. With the woman on her back, place a pillow under her butt to tilt her pelvis upward. Then try some of the shallow, slow thrusting with you on your knees and leaning back a little. The head of your penis should be rubbing against the front wall of her vagina and hit the g-spot. Remember to go slow, sometimes not even moving at all. Another suggestion is with her on top. With you sitting up on a couch or a chair and feet on the ground. She can then straddle you with her leaning back just a little. Again, penetration should be shallow. This is another good way for your penis to stimulate her g-spot. give those methods a try and see what happens. I wish I could say I was still doing research on subject with my ex, but that is not the case. Anyway, good luck and have fun trying.
a commented on Jul 16 03 at 3:28 pm
I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your amusing and adriot articles, especially the one where you experimented with drugs and sex. The whole zine is clever but your articles are a must read. As for suggestions for your sexacapades, not sure if you have tried tantra sex. Although the notion that you might be outdone by Sting is daunting, perhaps it requires a check into. Perhaps you can research into stimulating the male "g-spot" and multiple ejaculations. Just a suggestion! Heh.
BaB commented on Jul 16 03 at 4:12 pm
Had one girlfriend in college that ejaculated, and the first time it happened, I thought she was peeing on me...but as many other have said, that was not the case. But with her, I could encounter it 100% of the's how. She'd straddle my stomach and I would place my thumbs together to use as a probe (thumbs were the only digits facing the correct direction in this position). By aiming at the G-spot and moving up and down, she'd ejacutlate repeatedly every ten to twenty seconds...interestingly, it would NOT induce orgasm. Anyway, that's my two sheckles...
JMK commented on Jul 16 03 at 6:10 pm
Come on Grant--Take it up the ass like a real man. And, when you're done, give Erica's big dildo a blow job. You know you want to. You rock Grant.
commented on Jul 16 03 at 9:17 pm
my advise to you is to keep going. im a female and i didnt believe all my guy friends when they talked about it. but then one night, well morning actually, my boyfriend and i discovered it completly by accident. we had been at if for hours forplay, sex, forplay, sex. i was exausted! i was about to tell him that we were going to have to stop, because not only was i tired and chafed, but i was feeling kinda strage. it almost hurt. i'm glad i never did say anything because what happened next was great! and believe me it didnt hurt anymore. it rocked! the mattress was so wet we had to flip it to be able to go to sleep! (and my boyfriend had never been so proud!)its was very intence and is not something i would like to do all the time but when it does happen i love it. so keep trying and tell erica to stick in there. its difficult for alot of girls to do, especially the first time.
mm commented on Jul 16 03 at 10:47 pm
I love sneezing. In fact, to me, a sneeze feels like a mini orgasm. (I'm a woman.) I was wondering ... what would happen if you induced a sneeze right as you were about to have an orgasm? (Like, with a pepper shaker or vibrator on the nasal cavity or something ...) Would the sensations compound? That would be one rocking orgasm. Perhaps more couples should incorporate pepper shakers into their sex-lives. :) There are several variables in this experiment. I have tested one so far: the ability to sneeze before and after orgasm. Here is the beginning of my formal write-up: Experiment: What would happen if you induced a sneeze right as you were about to have an orgasm? Would it compound? Variable recently tested: Ability to sneeze before and after orgasm. Results: (From different masturbatory sessions) While in the plateau phase, it was very easy to sneeze (before the orgasm occurred.) When not aroused, sneezing was relatively easy to induce (although harder than it was when subject was aroused.) Immediately after orgasm occurred, subject was unable to induce sneezing mechanism. I'd love to see this study on your website! Holly
HRW commented on Jul 17 03 at 12:10 pm
I love sneezing. In fact, to me, a sneeze feels like a mini orgasm. (I'm a woman.) I was wondering ... what would happen if you induced a sneeze right as you were about to have an orgasm? (Like, with a pepper shaker or vibrator on the nasal cavity or something ...) Would the sensations compound? That would be one rocking orgasm. Perhaps more couples should incorporate pepper shakers into their sex-lives. :) There are several variables in this experiment. I have tested one so far: the ability to sneeze before and after orgasm. Here is the beginning of my formal write-up: Experiment: What would happen if you induced a sneeze right as you were about to have an orgasm? Would it compound? Variable recently tested: Ability to sneeze before and after orgasm. Results: (From different masturbatory sessions) While in the plateau phase, it was very easy to sneeze (before the orgasm occurred.) When not aroused, sneezing was relatively easy to induce (although harder than it was when subject was aroused.) Immediately after orgasm occurred, subject was unable to induce sneezing mechanism. I'd love to see this study on your website! Holly
HRW commented on Jul 17 03 at 12:13 pm
you can practice on me grant- i can do it every nite alone --clitorally mostly. and the *only* times someone else has gotten me to do it has been thru oral stimulation. so "ar-tey" can suck it, and should suck it, literally.
ch commented on Jul 18 03 at 12:34 am
Nice to have you back from Leather Camp, Grant! I really enjoyed this experiement - and the Ar-tey sex video comments had me laughing hysterically. Anyway, chin up! Be patient and keep trying. Try not to plan it, either, so as to avoid expectations. I find that spontaneous sex is always better than planned sex anyway. ;-)
ab commented on Jul 17 03 at 3:52 pm
I found the following info at ........... The book, The G Spot, by sex researcher and educator Beverly Whipple, and colleagues Alice Ladas and John Perry, broke through the silence and embarrassment that surrounded female ejaculate, leading many to G Spot joy. Now researchers believe that female cum is produced by the Skene's glands, which are located in a woman's urethra and are made of tissue that's similar in composition to a man's prostate gland. These researchers point to chemical analysis of female ejaculate that reveals the presence of high levels of prostatic acid phosphatase (a chemical secreted by the prostate gland and found in semen). This would seem to indicate that a woman's ejaculation is similar in composition to semen (only without the sperm, of course).
ab commented on Jul 17 03 at 4:06 pm
Grant, you rock! I've been trying to figure this out for years along with the elusive g-spot orgasm. It feels really really good, but that's all. No urge to pee. No nothing, except my partner's really sore arm. Great article as always!!!!
GH commented on Jul 17 03 at 9:47 pm
grant, all i can tell you is do it til you get it right. like the kid wanting to know how to get to carnegie hall. practice, practice, practice...
tca commented on Jul 18 03 at 2:50 pm
Good article, Grant. If anyone's interested, check out Seymour Butt's informative video 'Semour's Squirters'.
ALS commented on Jul 18 03 at 7:03 pm
I think my ability to gush is one of the most awesome things my body can do. I love to watch in a mirror or on the monitor if I use the cam when I play, Be careful if you use the cam, as I've soaked mine many times. I've wondered before if it was urine but have squirted on white photo paper, then tasted it, Guys its not urine, although sometimes it can be a mix. First time I discovered this about myself was about 12 years ago, and since I'm over 40, it wasn't something that had always happened in my life. When it did, I was in to see the Dr right away, lol. She told me not to worry, it wasn't urine but if I was worried, to pee before I had sex. My lover loves it, he will be the first to be right in the path of it so it gushes all over him. I have to admit, I to, like Erica after awhile of enjoying this awesome feeling, come up for air and worry that my lovers arm is going to fall off. I tend to hold back when my lover goes down on me as I worry that he will get more then he bargained for when I gush in his mouth....
Silk commented on Jul 19 03 at 5:14 pm
I admit to squirting on occasion. It normally happens via manual stimulation. I have a new man who is "cliterate" and can bring me orgasm with 2 fingers. The stuff I emit is not lubricant. It's clear, slippery and a thin consistency. I never know when I am gonna do it, but I am so happy when I do.
NS commented on Jul 20 03 at 2:01 pm
Thank you. That was the funniest thing I have read in a long while.
sbs commented on Jul 21 03 at 9:52 pm
Great article- I have never "gushed" anything Im aware of- but on my own, have had amazing g-spot orgasms (with a little help from my trusty g-spot vibrator!), but have yet to have one with a parner- but I do know I have what I call inner and outer orgasms, and they are different.
STS commented on Jul 22 03 at 1:48 pm
I'm 18 and have only had two lovers, but I've already become a fan of female ejaculation. I adore my G-spot. I can have an orgasm in only that way. Sometimes I have a little trickle and other times I can gush out a cup of the liquid. It all depends on my mindset. Not how much I've had to drink lately. I really haven't a clue how to have a clitoral orgasm though.
SAJ commented on Jul 24 03 at 12:10 pm
Okay. Here's what I have found. My boyfriend's member bends downward in a strong "C" shaped arc. I can have a really serious squirting orgasm when we're doing it doggy style (I wish I could draw this for you) and he gets into a position that keeps him slightly higher than me because it makes the frontmost part of his dick rub against the anterior wall or G-spot. I can also achieve this if I sit him down in a short armless chair and ride him face-to-face. That totally rocks. Again the pressure is concentrated in the same area. I have noticed something else though. It seems perfectly logical if you think about it. I normally (just like your article states) feel the urge to pee just before my climax. I have also noticed that if I drink an assload of water prior to any hot action, I DEFINITELY have an easy time reaching my goals. More liquid in, more liquid out. Trust me on this. It makes all the difference. Lots of foreplay and all the above-mentioned stimuli should take you where you want to be. Good luck!!
bg commented on Jul 26 03 at 6:01 pm
Hey, I have had 2 experiences with f.e. First was when going down on woman, 69 w/her on top. Got it straight in the mouth. Didn't taste at all like pee. V. bitter and not salty. Second time was w/another lover. That was our first and last sexual experience. 2nd, She was on her belly and I entered her from behind, angled so my cock stimulated her G-spot, and we did it hard for a long time. After we both came, she rolled over and there was a big ole wet spot on the bed that didn't smell like urine. As for women feeling uncomfortable, I ask, does your man feel uncomfortable ejaculating in your mouth? I thought it was gross at first (what was you're reaction the first time a guy came in your mouth?). When I got to thinking about it, and realized what it I was I thought it was cool that I got her to do it. I wouldn't ask for a lover to ejaculate in my mouth but if she did, that would be ok. As for future research, I think the strap-on thing would be cool. I've had it done to me and I think it's alright. I learned a lot experience anal sex that way. I am always entertained and sometimes informed by your articles.
grf commented on Jul 27 03 at 10:23 pm
absolutely delightful
ss commented on Jul 28 03 at 9:30 am
hey grant , i hope you get this , its your long lost family friend Haley from Minnesota..... leah told me about your job. YOur Crazy!!! I hope your loving new york though. email me when ya can
haw commented on Jul 28 03 at 8:19 pm
My girlfriend and I enjoy it everytime she ejaculates.It's like a surprise. But I must mention that it is not always triggered by G spot stimulation. Sometimes, she squirts out with oral sex, without anything inside her. I think some do and some don't, that's all.
skye commented on Jul 29 03 at 6:04 am
do grant, did you ever get her to do it?
m commented on Jul 30 03 at 4:56 pm
I've gushed several times in my life....but must admit with only one very experienced and open minded man..Never knew I could. I'll never forget it, it was by and away the most intense thing I've ever felt. Michelle
MP commented on Jul 31 03 at 12:02 pm
A few things. I'm an inveterate ejaculator, to the degree that I have trouble NOT shooting all over the place. It turns me on to hear my juice hit the wooden floor, or hear the bursts of liquid jet out on my lover's chest. I've always warned them that this is my superhero skill, and half-joke about breaking out the towels, and I've never had an adverse reaction. The only thing that annoys me about all this is that because I squirt so easily (no sore arm, no god-like skill necessary), I get very little continuing play from most guys. It takes them 2 minutes to get me off, then it's their turn. Fuckers. I want more!!! The other thing is that all that build up of tension and the intensity of release of orgasm is bound to be tied up in an emotional response. You've clenched everything you've got, them let go so much you pushed fluid at velocity out of tiny little glands. It's a natural response to let go with tears or laughter or going comatose or something. I personally laugh my head off when it's been a particularly satisfying orgasm. But my point on all of this is simple: Be diligent, listen to your body, and aim for target practice once you've got it down.
EM commented on Aug 01 03 at 11:25 am
I'm also a FE, have been since I first started masturbating at the age of 12. I gush by clitoral and gspot, deep vaginal or anal penetration. I always go pee before I have sex and it isn't very long into foreplay that I am either squirting or gushing long jets of hot, clear liquid. I used to try to squeeze my bum tight to stop it from happening, it was so embarrasing to get everything wet, luckily I met a guy who encouraged me to let go as much as i felt was there, he bought a plastic sheet and covered it with a soft cotton one....most of the sheet gets a good soaking over and above the blasts he takes face on. We both love it
ng commented on Aug 04 03 at 10:08 pm
I have to agree with the person who said they would have loved to have heard Erica's perspective. I've cried during that experience as well, but I have no way of knowing whether Erica's reason for crying was the same as mine. For me, it was frustration. It's very frustrating to be in that position, where someone is very lovingly spending all that time on you, you're getting extremely aroused, you're worried about your partner getting bored/ tired /cramped /watching the clock (*ahem*), and you both know you're trying for a result that isn't happening. After a while, the frustration of not reaching that goal adds too much pressure, and you know how pressure kills an orgasm. By the way, the sexual position that's worked best for me for g-spot stimulation is when I'm on my side, my legs at a ninety degree angle to my torso, straight out to the side, being entered from behind.
SMF commented on Aug 07 03 at 3:16 pm
Female Ejaculation- Did you know that ALL women are capable of it? It's True! By Lisa S. Lawless, R.M., C.E.O. Psychotherapist, Ph.D. Candidate Founder Of You may have heard of female ejaculation, or you may not even know what it is, as many people do not. Female ejaculation is not only very real, it is something that ALL women can achieve, and is a very basic female sexual response that has remained a mystery until recently. All women can learn to ejaculate as much as two cups of fluid and spray it across the length of a room! Oh sure, there are a lot of myths out there regarding this exquisite female sexual response. Some claim the whole premise of female ejaculation is untrue, others claim only "special" women are capable and still others try and tell you ridiculous techniques based on myths such as suggesting that women should tighten their Kegel (vaginal wall) muscles to make it happen. These types of statements are simply untrue. While women have differences in their genitalia (just as men do) all women are capable of squirting these lovely orgasmic juices with the right techniques. It is no different than all men being capable of ejaculating no matter the size or shape of their penis. The only reason that most people do not know about or understand how to achieve female ejaculation is from the sheer lack of understanding women
LSL commented on Aug 08 03 at 3:49 am
For me, the only "trick" to f.e. is to keep masturbating after I've come. I discovered early that what I thought was an orgasm was just the beginning of my climax, and that a gush was in the works if I continued clitoral stimulation. And it's possible every time. I just don't like soaking the bed (or carpet, or counter or whatever), so f.e. is usually saved for planned, slow sex. And a pox on opportunists who post stupid "buy my book" essays!
EB commented on Aug 10 03 at 10:38 am
I would be concerned about using your eye sockets to produce farting sounds. You may cause damage to your vision. As for the ejaculation thing: nah. I'm still unconvinced.
lw commented on Aug 11 03 at 11:00 am
Shit, come back from vacation , sweetheart and give us another science project. I for one,(vote), for a litle experiment based on your it plays out. True loveinterfering "wit being the sex reporter? Not that I disagree with your reporting,but DUDE : pass the torch if you c'aint be edge. love yer geeky ass,c'mon back, xo jomamma
jo commented on Aug 12 03 at 9:57 pm
I think that is far and above the funniest thing I've ever read about attempting a FE. I had no idea such a thing even existed until my lover said he'd heard about an urban legend called female ejaculation. I said you mean 'peeing while fucking?' Duh, right? We researched it and tried many, many wonderful, weird and ouchie things until we hit on the one thing that worked. Funny, all the toys were a waste of money. When he goes down on me, right before I have a clit orgasm, one finger (the pointer to be exact) in doing the come hither (that's too funny) motion with firm steady pressure and bada bing! The first time it happened, it slicked back his hair and I think I passed out. LOL. Keep trying, if your current gal can't let go, try one that can!
fmh commented on Feb 25 08 at 5:31 pm
I am currently washing a load of 2 mattress pads, a dust ruffle, three sheets and the towel I soaked. Nuff said. This happens once a month or so, and I can feel when I need to do it. I orgasm for about an hour over and over again and small 'squirts' come out. Then the last one is unbelievable. Tidal. When I realized this amazing phenomenon, I thought I was a lousy bed-wetting masturbater, but now I find it to be one of the most amazing things about my already amazingly beautiful pussy. I would show it on video or to instruct men or women, I think. I would love for people to see it and that it is not the Sasquatch of female sexuality.
ALB commented on Oct 28 09 at 4:14 am

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