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Urban Pinups by Merlin Bronques
A nightlife photographer recruits his models from the sidewalk, not the runway.
Film Reviews by Logan Hill, Andy Horwitz, Nic Sheff, Noy Thrupkaew
House of Flying Daggers is hyper-romantic; even Parker Posey can't save Blade 3; Kevin Spacey's egomania shines through in Beyond the Sea. Plus, how to use Infernal Affairs to wrangle a sleepover.
Darkroom Light by Andy Horwitz
The directors of Born Into Brothels on what happens when cameras come into a slum.
Goodbye, Columbus by Lisa Carver
Drinking and dreaming in Ohio. *the erogenous zones issue*
Sex Advice From . . . Roller Derby Girls by the Hooksexup staff
Q: Do you have a preference about your partner's pubic grooming?
A: Yes and no. I mean, I'm not going to turn anyone away.
(Young) Adult Entertainment by Sasha Watson
David Levithan on what's new in teen fiction: the gay kid no longer gets run over by a bus.
Bad Education by Stephen Elliott
Everything I needed to know about tough love, I learned in a San Francisco ladies' room. *the erogenous zones issue*
Scanner by Ada Calhoun
The wisdom of Heidi Klum, a rap about the Hooksexup staff, and the He's Just Not That Into You quiz.
Mystery Tour by Luke Sutherland
Four strangers screw their way around London — without leaving a chat room. *the erogenous zones issue*
Mother Courage by Ada Calhoun
Mike Leigh speaks about his new abortionist-heroine, Vera Drake.
Raw Hooksexup by Gwynne Watkins
The church-ad ban: score another one for the networks' unshakable morality.
Inside the Beltway by Rev. Jen Miller
Maryland, the sexy librarian of the Northeast. *the erogenous zones issue*
Horoscopes by the Hooksexup staff
Your week in sex.

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