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Screengrab by Various
Today in Hooksexup's film blog: We list our greatest guilty pleasures. You can't imagine the shame!
61 Frames Per Second by John Constantine
Today in Hooksexup's videogame blog: A piping a hot plate of Tim Curry, Half-Life for a dollar, and adventuring with Adventure.
The Remote Island by Bryan Christian
ABC cancels Pushing Daisies and Dirty Sexy Money. We are bummed.
The Hooksexup Date by Jessica Yatrofsky
This week: Thanksgiving with Melanie and Gina. /photography/
Dating Advice From . . . Obama Campaigners by Emily Farris
"Working on campaigns taught me that when you really want something, the best way to get it is to continually call until you get it, whether it's an endorsement or a date."
Dating Confessions by You
"I'll never be satisfied with one lover."
Scanner by Emily Farris
Today on Hooksexup's culture blog: A mayor in Missouri sues the city after his wife is banned from City Hall.
The Little Death by Joe Dornich
The girl I brought home didn't wake up in the morning. /personal essays/

Quotes of the Week

"All of us are hos in one way or another, but very few will ever get the chance to truly pimp." — From Ice T's recently re-released porn video, Ice T's Pimpin' 101.

"Ang said two men herding sheep was far more sexual than two men having sex on screen.” — Jake Gyllenhaal on why he won't be having sex with Heath Ledger in Ang "enemy of the people" Lee's upcoming film Brokeback Mountain.

"You have a kid who is looking to fit in, and here you have a network that looks very inviting, very accepting, and this young kid is going to get a false representation of what homosexuality has to offer." — Mike Haley, a manager of gender issues with the Christian group Focus on the Family. He's concerned that MTV's new gay network will cause teenagers to wrongly identify themselves as gay, just as he himself did for 12 years.
Photos of the Week

Proof that Europe is better than we are at political ads: this still from a video encouraging citizens to vote in the European elections. (See, the baby has to decide to breastfeed, just like citizens have to decide to vote!)

Sailors! Come to New York and molest wax celebrities!

Al Gore shows off his jaw muscles.

In the News

Alexandra Polier, the "intern" Kerry was accused of having an affair with, fights back in New York magazine with an article entitled "How I Got Smeared."

Advanced Grooming: pubic hair stencils.

Spanky the Clown: pedophile for hire.

A grenade concealed in a vagina kills three.

Justice: two cops that starred in porn flicks won't be fired.

Can so many British chippies really be lying? Yes, says former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham. "He's always been faithful," she says of her soccer-star husband.

Dan Savage calls attention to the tragic plight of the "boytaur" fetishist.
boy·taur \'boi-tawr\ n 1. a guy with four (or more) legs; 2. a guy with multilimb or other transformations.
A sample of the group's fan fiction: "Eric grows many, many beautiful feet for his lover."

Hey, ladies: Mark Anthony and Snoop Dogg are both back on the market.

Plans are unveiled for LOGO, the first gay television channel.

Louisiana will not ban low rise jeans.

The Swedish Organization for Sexual Education is starting a condom delivery service.

People keep stealing Cameron Diaz's panties.

A mother wants her transgendered daughter's name changed on her death certificate, from Eduardo to Gwen.

Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kournikova have reportedly eloped.

Say it ain't so: New York bans the sale of used underwear.

Elusive Quality, father of Smarty Jones (winner of the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness Stakes), will mate with more than 200 mares this year, for a per-encounter fee of roughly $50,000.

Fox drops its proposed reality show Seriously Dude, I'm Gay.

From the Archives

"His lips were fixed to mine; the soft velvety tip of his tongue was a tidbit I could not refuse, and I sucked it till I almost choked for want of breath. He spent again under the stimulating emotions with which I inspired him. He lay still for a few moments as we recovered our breath, then, with an upward motion of my buttocks, I challenged him to go on. It was a most erotically voluptuous love engagement. I could not exhaust him; he was continually shooting his love juice into my very insatiable womb, and it was more than an hour before either of us would consent to a cessation of the game."
— From The Pearl: A Journal of Voluptuous Reading. The Underground Magazine of Victorian England (1967)

Christian Magazine Smackdown

While there's still no Old Testament glossy — a shame since it means no splashy commentary on the story of Lot’s daughters, i.e., “Don’t sleep with your dad unless you’re totally desperate” — there is now a male version of Revolve, the New Testament-as-fashion-mag. It's called Refuel, and like its sister publication it uses actual Biblical text sandwiched between eye-catching graphics, advice columns, top 10 lists, and articles about Christian bands. — Gwynne Watkins

On the cover:

"Are You Dating a Godly Guy?"
"How to Get Along with Your Mom"”

Guitars! Sports! Jesus!
People to pray for: Justin Timberlake, Reese Witherspoon Jim Carrey, Orlando Bloom
Advice: "You need a good, balanced foundation for the rest of your makeup, kinda like how Jesus is the strong foundation in our lives." "Random Ways to Ask a Girl Out: Mow your invite into a tall-grass field." (This advice is found alongside the story of Christ's temptation.)

Another Sign of the Apocalypse

Axe Deodorant's Pitman.
This blog puts it well: "I believe too much advertising today focuses on unrealistic body images, trying to associate products with sex appeal: 'Use our product, and you will become a chiseled hunk who draws women from miles around.' You, however, have chosen to break that mold, with an ad whose underlying message seems to be: 'Use Axe anti-perspirant, and you will become a hairy torso with no head, arms or genitalia.'"


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Research Assistant: Sarah Harrison.
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