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Dating advice...

Jonathan, 31

Why is a comedy club a good first-date spot?
I have to hear a girl's laugh if I'm going to date her. If she cackles like a hyena, she could look like Charlize Theron and I'd still be out of there.

What's the best way to pick up a comedy-club employee on the job?
With a compliment instead of with humor.

Lots of things about my relationship are great, but the sex is vanilla — my boyfriend is weirded out by my collection of sex toys, and isn't willing to experiment. What should I do?
For me, sexual connection is paramount. If we aren't on the same level, I feel like I'd always be settling or compromising. Plus, you're bound to meet someone who's into that stuff and has all the great qualities that your significant other possesses — then temptations and complications arise.

I'm seeing someone who recently got a divorce. How cautious should I be about moving the relationship forward?
Never date someone fresh out of a relationship. Never. It's too emotional of a time for the divorcee. Yes, I know the sex is awesome, but there are a lot of things going on in her head and her heart. Plus, her husband is going to be in the picture no matter what she says about it.

How can working at a comedy club get me laid?
We're provided with a steady stream of great one-liners, funny stories and well-written jokes. Reciting one of these lines can come in handy when trying making an impression.


Taylor, 25

What's a good rule of thumb for using humor to win over a date?
Make sure you're actually funny and not just a third child with a false sense of confidence because you held your own against two Tommy Boy-quoting older brothers.

What's the best way to exit an awkward morning-after?
Don't address the situation directly. Your date will panic and think you're saying you made a terrible decision.

I'm seeing someone who recently got a divorce. Advice?
Make sure you don't look like the previous spouse.

How can I dissuade my significant other from doing something he really wants to do if he's terrible at it?
Film him doing whatever it is he thinks he can do. If he likes watching the video, that means when you think he's taking a shower, he's just looking at himself in the bathroom mirror with the water running — you might have to dump him.

I'm a girl who's always preferred one-night stands to dating, but I worry that when I do settle down, my partner's going to be turned off my track record. Will my sexual free-spiritedness come back to haunt me?
Guys get jealous at first if you've had lots of experience, but we lose that quickly when we realize we've finally found a girl who applies the proper amount of pressure during a reverse-cowgirl.

Comment ( 1 )

I would like to see dating advice from divorce attorneys, proctologists, garbage men, chiropractors, and termite inspectors. please let me know if you decide to write anything like that. i would love to read it. my email is:
aj commented on Jul 20 08 at 9:51 pm

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