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    Bonnaroo 2009: Bands, Beards and Painted Boobs


    Last Thursday we packed up and drove ten hours to Manchester, TN for Bonnaroo, a four-day music festival headlined by Phish and Bruce Springsteen. Also there: Hooksexup photographer Josh Anderson, who took the pictures we were too stoned to take. [Hooksexup Photography: Bonnaroo Day One]

    And here's a photo not taken by Josh Anderson (taken by us before we got too stoned), since we promised it in the headline...


    Commentarium (3 Comments)

    Jun 16 09 - 5:04pm

    I clicked all the way through that didn't even see one painted boob.

    Jun 16 09 - 5:19pm
    Emily Farris

    Okay, okay. I'm adding a painted boob photo that I took.

    Nov 22 11 - 4:09pm

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