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    Shakira Tries For A Comeback... In A Nude Bodysuit


    Watch Shakira shake her "naked" behind... or writhe around in a cage while spreading her "naked" legs for the camera... watch her knock down the last wall separating her music and potential porn star careers...

    To us, much of the video for her new single "She Wolf" is laughably bad-- for example, how did the film editor keep a straight face while timing the finger-biting to that honking noise? What about that sawing motion, alongside her vagina?

    In any case, we're pretty sure Shakira's fans will love it... even if they're watching it with the sound off...

    Via MTV.

    Commentarium (13 Comments)

    Aug 03 09 - 11:04am

    wow this song is terrible. i really did have to watch with the sound off.

    Aug 03 09 - 11:53am

    That choreography! Straight out of a Miss Fitness USA competition, circa 1995.

    Aug 03 09 - 12:19pm

    Oh my god. The song was bad but that dancing made my eyes BURN!

    Aug 03 09 - 3:29pm

    As a huge Shakira fan, I am going to pretend this song and this video never happened. Seriously, is she supposed to be doing this video inside a crystal mine? WTF?

    Aug 03 09 - 5:23pm

    That is breathtakingly bad. WTF was she thinking letting that out?

    Aug 04 09 - 1:27am

    She sings like deaf people talk.

    Aug 04 09 - 6:14am

    I love how the writer pointed out the stupid honking/biting , that was hilarious lol, But did she go in the closet and masturbate, then come lay down next to her worthless husband, and smile?

    that's sad

    Aug 04 09 - 1:54pm

    I like when she howls "awoo," more like a kitten.

    Aug 04 09 - 8:42pm

    At 3:20 she shows you that she can pat her head AND rub her tummy.

    Mocking this horrible video aside, Shakira is pretty legit when it comes to her charity and her human rights work.

    Aug 04 09 - 9:14pm

    Yeah, it's a shame, the song sucketh. And her last album was SO great.

    Aug 05 09 - 2:07am

    As bad as the song and the video are, she deserves some credit for working in "office coffee machine." I don't think I have ever heard that particular appliance mentioned in a song before.

    Jan 06 12 - 7:16pm

    Her hips might not lie, but the rest of her body is under no such restriction.

    Feb 15 12 - 11:20pm

    I still love the Remixes, from the last century. Maybe she had to do this? Maybe things will be all right again?

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