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    Ah, Wikipedia. Whatever did the world do without you? The intellectual vandalism must have taken so much more work! Anyway, I was perusing the entry for "Victorian Fashion" (which - ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME), like one does on a Monday, when I came to the section on "Victorian prudery." Oh hi there, irony. Take a seat. Let me get you something to drink. Here's the page:


    Sorry, what was that at the end there?


    Oh right, yeah, totally. The real problem here is that I'm just not getting any information about the upper boobs, you know? Does he like to lick them, too? Or are they gross? But I guess that's the danger of using Wikipedia; the article quality can be so spotty.

    Commentarium (3 Comments)

    Dec 15 09 - 4:17pm

    lol, that's hilarious. I read one once on Mel Gibson (don't ask...) and it mentioned his early gay porn career...

    Dec 15 09 - 9:30pm

    What do you mean, flaws? This is why I read Wikipedia.

    Dec 16 09 - 12:41pm

    Wow this warranted a page on this site? Congrats, you've just done what 10,000 teenagers did that day, and you didn't have the creativity to go beyond scatological terms, which 9,999 of them used. It also just takes one click to revert vandalism, so you're not exactly blowing up Parliament here.