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    Headline Hilarity: HuffPo Gets Way TMI With Katy Perry


    EXTRA, EXTRA! POP SINGER HAS PERIOD! THIS IS NEWS I GUESS! (There is context to this story, but if we always had the context, we'd never be able to laugh and laugh and laugh at things like this.) Of course, they probably couldn't use the same language Perry did on her Twitter:

    ur gonna make me cry, maybe that's my period tho. THAT'S RIGHT I'M BLEEDING. Face. Better luck next month peepz

    Though I would have laughed equally as hard at "THAT'S RIGHT SHE'S BLEEDING." But really, all you need to know is this: Katy Perry isn't pregnant, Katy Perry also hasn't gone through menopause, and the Huffington Post has officially brought us to the era in which celebrities bodily functions are considered newsworthy. Ah, the future.

    Commentarium (2 Comments)

    Jan 14 10 - 2:13pm

    Gross. And I don't mean like "Women are gross" in general. But bodily functions, male-or-female should not be headlines. Unless Obama was dying of constipation, or something.

    Jan 15 10 - 10:33am
