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    Welcome back, boys and girls, to another edition of "Conservatives Say The Darndest Things!" On this week's show, gays in the military!

    Last weekend, Barack Obama renewed his campaign promise to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" - the policy that does not allow gays to serve openly in the military. Surprisingly, this time, just about all the military bigwigs backed him up. Now obviously, if the people who we trust to actually run the military don't see this as a threat, a bunch of senators shouldn't either, right? Haha, wrong. The nation's conservatives were swift to remind us of everything that's sinister about gay men in fatigues. As usual, while their intentions were unfortunate, the quotations themselves are pretty hilarious:

    • "It will lead to alcohol use, adultery, fraternization, and body art." - Sen. Saxby Chambliss. Good God! Soldiers with tattoos who like to drink beer? Not only do you have a singularly awesome name, senator, but you make a brilliant point. How will we defend our nation if we're all covered in body glitter?
    • "It would frankly make everybody a little bit uneasy... you know, the shower situation, the bathroom situation." - Sen. Duncan Hunter. Um, Dunc? Letter A: There are already gays in the military. They bathe. Letter B: Gays only have sex in the showers in two places: porn and internet porn. Oh, and your imagination.
    • "Next thing you know they'll be giving out Purple Hearts for being Fabulous Under Fire." - Stephen Colbert. Touche, Steve, touche.

    Comments ( 9 )

    Feb 04 10 at 2:17 pm

    Show it to them, Colbert!

    Feb 04 10 at 2:29 pm

    You Yanks are something else. Gays in the military. What next, gays in Congress? Gays in the Senate? Showering together? Damn, that's pretty exotic.

    Feb 04 10 at 2:29 pm

    “It would frankly make everybody a little bit uneasy… you know, the shower situation, the bathroom situation.” This supports my idea that stupid homophobic men are, at their core, deeply sexist. They worry that gay are going to treat them the way that they, themselves, treat women.

    Feb 04 10 at 3:30 pm

    I've often wondered about that Luke. I think there are other issues as well. As a gay man I've found that, in private, after a beer or two, a lot of 'straight' guys are not 100% straight. They are not very comfortable with those feelings through and would rather avoid confronting them.

    Feb 04 10 at 6:05 pm

    If I wanted to confront uncomfortable sexual feelings i would join the military.

    Feb 04 10 at 9:32 pm

    I've always found it depressing that homosexuality is equated with sexual compulsion.

    Feb 05 10 at 3:44 am

    Gays don't have sex n the shower? Why not?

    Feb 05 10 at 10:42 am
    Ben Reininga

    Sure, gays have sex in the shower - with their boyfriends, in the apartments they co-habitat. How often do you see a man/woman and end up boning, just 'cause they're hot? No introduction, no drinks, just 'let's go?'

    Feb 05 10 at 12:16 pm

    Or the priesthood, wazup.

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