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    I decided to stick with the actual Superbowl for the halftime festivities. I think I made the wrong choice.

    First, let's take a gander at The Who:

    Now, it should go without saying that one, the music is great, and two, these guys are obviously legends for a reason. But sometimes it looked just a little bit like they were having a hard time standing up, and do we really want to remember them like that? Was there no one else who was just a tad more current who could appeal to a vast audience? How about Jay-Z? Everyone loves HOVA, right?

    I will say this, though: excellent job with the synergy, CBS!

    [caption id="attachment_21568" align="alignnone" width="472" caption=""Who are these guys playing the CSI theme songs?" - Every audience member under the age of 18"]"Who are these guys playing the CSI theme songs?" - Every audience member under the age of 18[/caption]

    But the Kitty Halftime Show! Oh, the excitement and joy of kittens. Will anything ever top it?

    [caption id="attachment_21569" align="alignnone" width="634" caption="No."]kitty3[/caption]

    Animal Planet is being kind of a B. about this whole thing, and not letting me embed it, but you can watch it here. I'm just sorry I missed it, because you know everyone will be talking about the fact that the kittens had no clothes on whatsoever for years to come. The FCC is gonna be pissed.

    What did you guys think? Am I just being a young punk who doesn't respect his elders? Am I showing my strong pro-kitten bias? Let me know in the comments.

    Commentarium (2 Comments)

    Feb 08 10 - 12:38pm

    I thought the halftime show was neither as good as it could have been (i.e., Daltrey singing, "Who the FUCK are you?" as he should have), nor as bad as it could have been (i.e., a "wardrobe malfunction" revealing Daltrey's aging man-boob). They're old, but man, they still rock and put on a great show.

    Feb 08 10 - 1:39pm
    Lions Say Roar

    @profrobert Way to ride the fence. This is the Superbowl, not some Live Aid concert! If you are going to put an aging rocker up on stage you had better make sure they still "Rock". Anything short of Bruce Springsteen's crotch sliding into a camera is unacceptable. We as fans and spectators expect an action-packed 15 minutes before our ADHD takes over and pizza/chicken wings become top priority again. Frankly, I enjoyed it more on mute...the laser light show took over.

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