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    Betty White Gets A Lap Dance On Ellen

    Betty White is continuing to prove the theory that women, like fine wine, only get better with age. The former Golden Girls diva has been blowing up recently, with her Super Bowl commercial, upcoming stint on SNL, and rapidly developing cult following. So I guess it's no surprise that Ellen jumped at the opportunity to have Betty on her show and add to the list of reasons why we love Miss White:

    Reason # 11: Her stony serious face while Ellen is wearing her stupid goggle-eyed glasses.
    Reason # 345: Her cackling laughter at Ellen's face when she takes off her glasses.
    Reason #482: The way she can get a lap dance and remind you of your grandmother at the same time, without making you feel dirty.

    How could you not love this woman? Look how stoic she is with her piercing stare, wearing that sea foam top and silk sash. What I would do to to that woman after taking her out for an $8.95 Never Ending Pasta Bowl at the Olive Garden. What I would do.

    Comments ( 2 )

    You'd take her home and put her to bed with a glass of warm milk, then dash over to the neighbor's for a fast dirty one, that's what.

    Twolane commented on Mar 23 10 at 11:28 am

    Again, Betty White is God.

    Dan commented on Mar 23 10 at 11:33 am

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