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    There has been much debate about how best to respond to a group of crazies like the WBC. Some say ignore them completely, some say counter-protest, and some say a sock filled with quarters can do great things. (I kid!) But this student from the UIC came up with a elegantly awesome approach: instead of yelling back or doing nothing, he set up a space by the WBC where people could donate money to organizations that help LGBT-related causes. It's the kind of genius, turn-a-negative-into-a-positive thinking I am not very good at:

    On a personal note: I was once pulled out of school one day to counter-protest the WBC with my parents. In person, they are seriously just the saddest little rag-tag group of doddering old people and bored/crazy-looking children. Just a fun fact to keep in mind when you see pictures like this:


    Image via Buzzfeed.

    Commentarium (8 Comments)

    Mar 29 10 - 2:23pm

    It's things like this that make me wish Hallmark made "Thanks for your heroism" cards.

    Mar 29 10 - 2:28pm

    Epic win!! Jason is the man. That's so awesome I don't even have anything to say.

    Mar 29 10 - 2:37pm

    is jason single?

    Mar 29 10 - 2:49pm

    This is kind of like what I've seen Planned Parenthood do, which is to have folks donate so much per anti-abortion protester that mobs one of their offices. The more protesters that come out, the more their organization raises. Though I do like Jason's suggestion about donating in the name of the WBC and sending them the thank-you cards :)

    Mar 29 10 - 3:01pm

    True, but the WBC is fringe enough so that they REALLY look ridiculous.

    Mar 29 10 - 5:41pm

    Sweet. That's pretty rad of Jason to do!

    Mar 29 10 - 5:48pm

    Nice!! For the record, the University of Illinois & UIC are not the same school, and people up here in Chicago just say UIC not THE UIC.

    Mar 29 10 - 7:50pm

    Epic win for Jason - so awesome to see that someone came up with an idea like this!