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    screen-shot-2010-03-28-at-115942-pmI'm pretty sure all of you received this story as a forward last night, but here it is again: the guy who wrote the script for Battlefield Earth apologizes for having been born.

    Ron Wood of The Rolling Stones was allegedly beaten by his latest lover, a 30-year-old Brazilian woman.

    It was once one of the top show's on television, but now 24 is saying goodbye.

    If you look closely, you can see Marisa Miller's nipple in one of these otherwise forgettable Esquire images.

    Ouch. The new Uma Thurman movie, which bombed in America, just had an opening weekend in the UK of $130. Yes, that's thirteen ten-dollar tickets.

    Remember how there was a still floating around the internet, apparently from a Jimi Hendrix sex tape? Well, now the full video is set to hit the interwebs.

    "A Chinese farmer, who turned up at a chest clinic in Beijing, is thought to have the world's biggest man boobs." And yes, there's a pic.

    And Kim Kardashian Tweeted a slew of bikini photos... for no reason whatsoever. Nope, nothing to do with her being on the rebound or anything...

    Comments ( 3 )

    Mar 29 10 at 9:43 am

    Please let the tape be called either:
    Are You Sexperienced? ...or...
    Lord Knows, I'm a Voodong Chile.

    Mar 29 10 at 10:02 am

    Apologizes for being born. Awesome.

    Mar 29 10 at 10:48 am

    Gawdamn Kim K. is Hawt! She might be dumber than a bag of hammers, but damn!

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