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    Who Is Esquire's Best-Looking Woman In America?


    Hint: she got married recently and pretty much everyone thought she made a huge mistake. Hint #2: best looking? Maybe. Biggest and best boobs? Most definitely.

    Answer: Christina Hendricks, as you may or not have been able to tell from the bizarre cover photo (above.) But the real surprise was who landed in at #2 on this poll of "Best-Looking American Women" on Maybe the magazine should have put a disclaimer on there to the tune of: "Maybe you should look up where your favorite was actually born and has always resided before you vote."

    Christina Hendricks - 30%

    Adrianna Lima - 17%

    Megan Fox - 14%


    "If you are/were a lesbian, which of these women would you most want to sleep with?”

    Zooey Deschanel 31%

    Megan Fox 20%

    Adriana Lima 14%

    Via Celebutopia.

    Commentarium (4 Comments)

    Apr 19 10 - 1:30pm

    Zooey vs. Christina? That's tough. But I gotta go with Joanie. (No love for Betty and Peggy?)

    Apr 19 10 - 1:37pm

    Zooey's my number one on this list. I'd still put Mary Louise Parker first, though.

    Apr 19 10 - 7:53pm
    Vinny Lou

    Zooey's hotness is finally being recognized. Much better than Hendriks.

    Apr 20 10 - 1:52pm

    People always tell me I look like Zooey. This is so awesome.