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Scott Baio's Wife As Reckless On The Internet As He Is

If you're a celebrity, how do you know when it's time to get off your computer? Hint: it involves the phrase "lesbian shitasses."

This all began when Jezebel posted one of Scott's tweets in their daily Twitter round up, about how his hard-earned money from being on Scott Baio Is 45 And Awful or whatever was being used by the government to give mansions to all those super lazy unemployed people of this country. (Fun fact: the current unemployment rate is 9.7%, one of the highest in decades!) Well, it turns out Renee doesn't take kindly to those who would hate on her husband:

Excuse me, Mrs. Baio, but I believe the proper term is "cuntiness." But I could be wrong. Some people objected to Renee's clearly homophobic rant, and if the Baios know one thing, it's how to assure everyone they're not bigots:

Perrrrrrfect. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Baio: you very clearly deserve each other!

Via Jezebel.

Comments ( 3 )

You stay classy, Mrs. Scott Baio.

Dan commented on Apr 20 10 at 11:50 am

Well I'm adding shitasses to my lexicon immediately. Thank you Mrs. Baio!

Runyon commented on Apr 20 10 at 11:51 am

Scott Baio's rant against the unemployed and taxes would be heartless crap coming from someone who actually works for a living. From him it just shows what a shitass he is.

geebee commented on Apr 20 10 at 2:56 pm

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