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    We're all a bit worried for Trey Parker and Matt Stone, and the future of South Park. Why? Because last night's episode depicted various images of the Muslim prophet Muhammad, which as we know is forbidden. This time, he was clad in a bear-suit, which maybe they thought was a Koranic loophole of sorts. Apparently not, since a bunch of extremists threatened to kill them.
    But should we be worried? Can we hold faith in a good, old-fashioned sense of humor? Maybe. Maybe not. Is South Park such an important part of the TV universe that everyone would be very sad if it went away? Yes. 

    So extremists, if you're reading Scanner (never hurts to hope, right?), before you think of murdering anyone, all we ask is that you watch these videos, which will hopefully make you change your mind:

    See? Look how nice and funny they are.

    Commentarium (6 Comments)

    Apr 22 10 - 2:14pm

    How could anyone want to kill the guys behind BASEketball?

    Apr 22 10 - 2:16pm

    How could anyone want to kill truth? Cause that's what they are.

    Apr 22 10 - 2:50pm

    Cue the apologist brigade, crying that Islam is "the religion of peace" and that crazy extremists aren't real muslims, yadda yadda.

    Apr 22 10 - 2:56pm

    When people take offense to things usually considered to be inoffensive or not worthy, it says something about their own insecurity. So it makes me wonder if that could be applied to a wider group of people...let's say: a religion?

    Apr 22 10 - 4:53pm

    At the very least, these guys should get some credit from the Muslim extremists for making fun of the Jews (remember Jewbilee?) and get the death sentence reduced to a strongly worded letter or a mild slap by Bridon's musical-loving dad. Sadly, if they were this rational, we would not have to worry about them.

    Apr 22 10 - 4:54pm

    Maybe these guys can get Salmon Rushdie's safe house now that his Fatwa has been lifted.

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