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Video: Justin Bieber Doesn't Know The Word "German"

We've found the chink in his armor, everyone. Now is the time to rise up before his legions of screaming tween girls stage a government coup.

Now, to be fair, Justin Bieber is sixteen. And there were lots of things that I didn't know when I was sixteen (there are lots of things I don't know now, as well!). But, uh..."German" is kind of a big one. And he's, like, been there?

The point is: my (future) kids are staying in school, no matter how many invitations they get to perform at the Juno Awards (I imagine there will be several).

Comments ( 4 )

This just confirms all the stereotypes of successul, older ladies being in love with beautiful young airheads. Stop objectifying us, ladies.
Dan commented on May 04 10 at 11:01 am
He may be sixteen, but that's just ridiculous. Thank God he can sing?
Runyon commented on May 04 10 at 11:28 am
While substitute teaching recently, I had to break up a shoving match between two high school freshman who had been arguing over whether or not Japan and China were synonyms for the same country. Children are stupid.
Lord Zodd commented on May 04 10 at 4:37 pm
I thought he was Canadian? Not American? This whole thing is weird.
Jeffers commented on May 07 10 at 5:54 pm

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