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    Why, Voice of Nina Totenberg, what a totally real and corporeal body you have! I'm not sure exactly the "why" or the "what" of this video — from what I can tell on the YouTube description, it was just for funsies. And it's called a spoof, but as Gabe from Videogum pointed out, they're not reeeeally using that word correctly. But there is one important reason why I'm posting this here, and it first appears around 00:17.

    Um... did anyone know Ari Shapiro was such a hottie? Because this will really put a spin on the way I listen to Morning Edition.

    Commentarium (6 Comments)

    May 07 10 - 3:09pm

    Robert Siegel looks EXACTLY like I imagined.

    May 07 10 - 3:36pm

    The hosts said that this was inspired by the spoof video for "Telephone" that was created by soldiers in Afghanistan (which was the subject of a story on "All Things Considered").

    May 07 10 - 4:14pm
    Captain Obvious

    The hosts said that this was inspired by the spoof video for "Telephone" that was created by soldiers in Afghanistan (which was the subject of a story on "All Things Considered").

    May 07 10 - 4:54pm

    Didn't Scanner used to be about sex? Now it's all Lady Gaga, all the time. The only thing less sexy than Lady Gaga is public radio nerds imitating Lady Gaga. Bring back Em and Lo or Grant Stoddard or that casserole girl...

    May 07 10 - 5:21pm

    re: Ari Shapiro. Yes, I was grooving to the video until he came on, and then I was all, "Hello! What have we here?"

    Aug 14 10 - 12:27am

    So that's what NPR looks like from the inside.

    I'll second the votes for Em and Lo, and for Grant S.