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    TSA Screeners Will Laugh At Your Small Penis

    As if we weren't already terrified of these new X-Ray Body Scanners from our "friends" at the Transportation Security Administration, now we learn that TSA employees are too immature to operate the machines in the first place.

    During a recent training session for TSA screeners at Miami International Airport, everyone was asked to walk through the body-scanning machines to try them out. Apparently, a tester named Roland Negrin was mocked by his boss for having a small penis and, when the jokes from other co-workers didn't cease, Negrin struck back.

    According to the police report, Negron confronted one of his co-workers in an employee parking lot, where he hit him with a police baton on the arm and back.

    "[Negron] then told victim to kneel down and say 'your sorry,'" the report reads. "Victim stated he was in fear and complied with [Negron]."

    Negron was arrested the next day when he arrived for work. He told police he had been made fun of by coworkers on a daily basis.

    "[Negron] stated he could not take the jokes anymore and lost his mind," the report reads. [NBC]

    Do we really think these wage slaves are ready to operate these devices?


    Commentarium (9 Comments)

    May 07 10 - 4:13pm

    This is disgusting act of sexual harassment that was met with an ever worse act of violence. Sick, sad world.

    May 07 10 - 4:16pm

    America's frontline!

    May 07 10 - 4:26pm

    It's probably reaaaaly cold inside one of these machines.

    May 07 10 - 5:19pm

    If he had hired a lawyer instead of getting out his baton he would be a rich man.

    May 07 10 - 9:32pm

    Maybe he's a grower and not a shower.

    May 07 10 - 11:35pm

    Great -- how long before they announce that the scans are slowly killing us, like they did with CT scans after they'd been in use for years...?

    May 08 10 - 11:17am

    It just shows how hiring morons to work the front lines is never going to keep us safe.

    Nov 21 11 - 3:38am

    Gee whiz, and I tuhohgt this would be hard to find out.