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    In case you haven't finished your copy The Bedwetter yet, let's cut to the part in which Ms. Silverman calls Fox News a "24-hour racism engine":

    Right-wing Americans who appear in mainstream media are not out there calling black people 'n*ggers,' or saying, 'The Klan has good idea.' Instead, they're questioning the legitimacy of Obama's presidency by accusing him of being born in Africa or of being a Muslim. Or they're having tea parties and calling Obama a 'communist' and a 'Nazi.' The entire Fox News Channel is a 24-hour-a-day racism engine, but it's all coded, all implied. Lou Dobbs used to scream on CNN about 'immigration,' not 'filthy Mexicans.'

    Intelligent. Eloquent. Well put. Even though everyone already knows this. Here's what Fox had to say about it:

    Sarah's anger is understandable having recently lost her television show...We sympathize with her need for attention considering her book is languishing near 300 on

    Shitty words, Fox spokesperson, but it is what it is. Yes, Sarah lost her show and her book isn't topping off the bestsellers list, but making negative statements about Fox News has never hurt any comic's career (e.g. Jon Stewart) - especially when Fox responds with what's basically a schoolyard taunt.

    Via Huffpo

    Commentarium (11 Comments)

    Jun 03 10 - 12:52pm

    Not a big fan of hers, but the remarks by Fox will motivate me to actually purchase her book.

    Jun 03 10 - 12:56pm

    Jesus, does anyone actually watch Faux News that isn't a drooling, knuckle-dragging, old, racist, gun-clutching, illiterate birther with a penchant for screaming?

    Jun 03 10 - 1:46pm

    Fox News' reply is at least no less out of line than Sarah's sweeping accusations. How would you respond, if someone called you racist and turned the page before you could answer?

    Jun 03 10 - 1:56pm

    Um... Jaan? Can I call you Jaan? It's because... um... Fox News is a racist cesspool for um... drooling, knuckle-dragging, old, racist, gun-clutching illiterate birthers with a penchant for screaming... Where have I heard that before? Hmm... Hat tip to Twolane...

    Jun 03 10 - 2:08pm

    If I was Fox News, rather than make an ad hominem attack, I'd say something nice and rational like "we at Fox news try for a balanced view blah blah blah equality blah blah blah focus on news and reporting blah blah blah" even if it was all BS.

    Jun 03 10 - 4:14pm

    Fox News shouldn't have said anything at all. If Silverman's book sales are so low, so few people would've read this that their response only increases negative publicity. Unless they're going with all news is good news.

    Jun 03 10 - 4:14pm

    And by all news is good news I meant all publicity is good publicity. That's a saying, right? I'm starting to confuse myself.

    Jun 03 10 - 10:21pm

    Criticizing fox news? Bold! Edgy! AVANT-GARDE! I applaud you, miss whoever you are.

    Nov 20 11 - 10:18am

    I guess finding useful, reliable information on the internet isn't hpoelses after all.

    Nov 20 11 - 1:08pm

    pburA1 umoabsoxskbu

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