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    Marisa Miller

    Last week, we pointed you to Guyism's list of the 66 Most Overrated Women of 2010, which saw Kristin Stewart take the top spot. For all the ballbusting we did, we actually agreed with much of their list, although we had to wonder, after 66 names, who was left to be considered underrated.

    One commenter noted that Marisa Miller wasn't on the Guyism list -- and agreed with that choice. A few hours later, Miller was named's Sexiest Woman in the World... and, as usual, a helluva lot of people went: "Wha?"

    Except for #5 and #3, we disagree with every one of FHM's Top 10 choices, especially Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift. As for Miller, we're not sure what to make of her... perhaps some photos would help?

    Marisa Miller 2

    marisa miller bikini

    Meanwhile, Jessica Biel won the top prize at the Guy's Choice Awards.

    Maybe it would be better in the future to ignore these lists -- reporting on them is just playing right into their foolish little hands...


    Commentarium (2 Comments)

    Jun 13 11 - 10:10am

    she is wonderfully, I can not wait to bridge the its new movie
    "Total Recall"


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