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    Apple iPad Has Security Leak

    Apple really can't keep its shit together: Just weeks after losing an iPhone 4 prototype, they've apparently exposed personal info for over 11,400 early iPad buyers, including that of some very famous folks.

    To err is human. To recover? Divine. Or in this case, to relentlessly mock the booing crowd until they start clapping for you is divine.

    Does Sarah Palin have breast implants? Should we care? Only if it somehow damages her "good-ol' gal" hillbilly cred.

    Carly Fiorina was caught on tape making fun of Senator Barbara Boxer, who she will face in the upcoming CA Senate race. It's also not that surprising, when you consider the totally batshit political attack ads she's made.

    And finally, freegans! They're kind of crazy, and yet I'm totally envious of how little they spend on rent.


    Commentarium (3 Comments)

    Jun 09 10 - 8:52pm

    I think... Carly is going to get her ass handed to her when she comes up against Barbara Boxer in a debate.

    Jun 09 10 - 8:56pm

    Uh, not to go all fanboi, but it was *AT&T* that had the breach, not Apple. Gawker's just trying to get some sweet revenge by pinning it on Apple.

    Jun 09 10 - 11:18pm

    Ditto on FooMcBar's comment - the Gawker piece doesn't get to the actual facts of the case until a couple of paragraphs down, taking their sweet time to whack Apple as best as they can. It's pretty trashy actually. Even more reason to hate the goddamn phone company.

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