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    Woman spying with binocularsSpy Needed. Females only please. (Lower East Side)

    There will be a speed dating event, and I am worried my soon to be fiance will be attending. I'm not the jealous type that normally does this, but since I'm about to take a big step of giving her a ring, I need to make sure. Your job will simply be to stand in front of this restaurant and look for her arrival. That's it. IF you can get inside and get a snapshot of her in the act of "speed dating" I would pay an extra $50.

    Offering $85 for this because it should not take you more than 1 hour. The location and time will be disclosed to you.

    It's not okay to contact this poster about commercial interests and all that. Did you notice he pays extra if you bust her? It's like he not-so-secretly hopes she is cheating on him just so that he can prove himself right? Scary.

    And yes, I did notice that he doesn't a) necessarily need you to get her actually speed dating -- simply going with a friend for support is enough to make him realize she isn't worthy of spending the rest of her life with him and b) actually have any proof that she is or even would cheat on him. Going to a speed dating event does not count as cheating -- going on a date with someone she met at speed dating might be, though.

    Via -- well, nothing... since the post is down now, likely removed by a guy afraid this was going to get around to his future ex-girlfriend.


    Commentarium (6 Comments)

    Jun 15 10 - 4:12pm

    I'm about to set this girl up with Prince Charming - rent's coming up.

    Jun 15 10 - 4:15pm

    If you're thinking about proposing you should at least be able to look them in the eye and talk about your insecurities. Posting an ad for a personal detective on craigslist is not the solution, people. Did this also just remind everyone of "Bored to Death"? Send in Jonathan Ames!

    Jun 15 10 - 5:40pm

    Speaking as a guy who spent two years as a private eye, AND as a guy who lives in LES, I'll totally take the job.

    Jun 16 10 - 8:49pm
    Mr. Yes

    This is how it starts. "spy for me once." Then, six years down the road you've killed to political candidates in a foreign country and you can't remember what you're real name is. It's not due to drugs is because you are a spyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. . . .

    Aug 29 11 - 3:14pm

    That saves me. Thanks for being so sneisble!

    Aug 31 11 - 1:53pm

    Knwoeldge wants to be free, just like these articles!

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