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Links: Romantic comedies officially ruin relationships

Westboro baptist church

According to a recent study, the sugar-coated happy endings of rom-coms makes people discontent with their partners. When was the last time your boyfriend covered your whole house in rosebuds and candles for absolutely no reason?

Military funerals, Twitter, and Lady Gaga are just a few things that the Westboro Baptist Church has targeted in its amusing (as long as you don't take them seriously) protests.

The British Prime Minister presented President Obama with a painting made by a London street artist who isn't Banksy. Unless it is?

Speaking of English mysteries, a black British couple managed to give birth to a white baby. The newborn has blue eyes, blond hair, and a high probability of being a mystical creature from another galaxy sent to save us.

You knew 'em, you hated 'em, and the Internet won't let you forget 'em: here's a list of the seven known varieties of P.E. teachers. Overbearing lesbians, failed high school athletes, and chubby creeps.

Sometimes Yahoo! Answers goes horribly wrong — like these times.

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