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Links: Wyclef Jean will run for President of Haiti

Wyclef Jean

Wyclef Jean has officially announced his candidacy for president of Haiti. He will run on a platform of earthquake reconstruction and Refugee Allstar status in next November's delayed election.

Will Ferrell, apparently America's guidance counselor, thinks you should join the NYPD. 

NBC bought the script for "Zombies vs. Vampires," a "fun police procedural" that seems like a worrying clusterfuck of trends, and one that will probably do very well just to spite us.

If playing (or whatever the proper verb is) The Sims isn't nerdy enough for you, get ready for The Sims Medieval. 

Are you currently looking for another way to gain hipster cred via out-dated technology? Analog nerds can rejoice: cassette tapes are officially back.

Proposition 8 is now officially overturned. Take advantage of it now, because it will take only five people to make marriage illegal for millions. 

Finally, an explanation as to why women love vampires and not me.

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