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    Atami Girl video game

    The other day, we mentioned that the Japanese government is trying to influence the dating lives of its citizens, possibly because of a falling birth rate. The Wall Street Journal, in an unrelated story, agreed with us... and presented a very strange example for why they are in trouble: single men are infatuated with a video game character and are going on real, paid vacations "with" her.

    In just one month, 1,500 dudes rented hotel rooms and visited locations featured in a video game called LovePlus+, hauling along their Nintendo DS systems to virtually hand-hold, kiss and perform feats of strength to impress one of three girls at the center of the game. (The object is to be a great boyfriend for the girls by correctly holding those hands and building those muscles... and so forth.)

    After choosing one of three female characters—goodie-goodie Manaka, sassy Rinko or big-sister type Nene—to be a steady girlfriend, the player taps a stylus on the DS touch-screen in order to walk hand-in-hand to school, exchange flirtatious text messages and even meet in the school courtyard for a little afternoon kiss. Using the device's built-in microphone, the player can carry on sweet, albeit mundane, conversations. [WSJ]

    And so it goes.

    Commentarium (8 Comments)

    Sep 01 10 - 6:35pm

    Whatever happened to the simplicity of the blow-up doll?

    Sep 01 10 - 10:15pm

    We're talking about Japan here... when it comes it technology, things get complicated. Just think of the crazy multi-function electronic toilets!

    Sep 01 10 - 11:10pm

    WTF? Poor social skills? Or are Japanese women unapproachable? Ye gods.

    Sep 02 10 - 9:16am

    If this is true, how do you explain all that weird sex stuff that happens on their transit system?

    Sep 02 10 - 10:30am

    I always think this is sick. But then I always draw back: There are people who spend hours and hours and hours playing video games where they KILL people. Why does that get a pass and this doesn't?

    Sep 02 10 - 11:39am

    I was sorta thinking the same thing, Kogo (except I don't think it's sick). It may be a little sad, but at least the thrust (heh) of these games is to impress the girl, not knock her out, rape her and then run her over with your car.

    Sep 02 10 - 12:22pm

    Oh and out of the three options given, I would go for "big-sister type Nene". Anyone else?

    Sep 02 10 - 11:01pm

    And just think - if only these young men were content to walk hand-in-hand, flirt by text, and kiss a bit, instead of immediately lunging straight for The Goal, maybe they wouldn't have to resort to imaginary ladies to experience companionship? Maybe the lost art of courtship has a place in the 21st century.