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Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan in Love

Bob Dylan in Love

A look at the artist's greatest romances — and the songs they inspired.
Listen to Ke$ha's cover of Dylan's "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right"

Listen to Ke$ha's cover of Dylan's "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right"

Ke$ha is known for many things: her heavily Auto-Tuned tracks, her sartorial re-appropriation of Native American cultural tradition, and her…
New Tumblr alert: Classic album covers with kittens

New Tumblr alert: Classic album covers with kittens

We've all thought it, sitting there in our adolescent bedrooms, going through the eerie and mysterious years of puberty, earphones firmly on…
Bob Dylan loses Nobel Prize to some Swedish poet

Bob Dylan loses Nobel Prize to some Swedish poet

Bob Dylan just can't catch a break. First he gets accused of plagiarism, and now he loses the Nobel Prize for literature to a random Swede…
Bob Dylan and Jack White record lost Hank Williams songs

Bob Dylan and Jack White record lost Hank Williams songs

Bob Dylan and Jack White are among the notable names that have been tapped to take part in The Lost Notebooks of Hank Williams, a collection of…
New York's Chelsea Hotel, haunt of Cohen, Dylan, and Joplin, stops accepting guests

New York's Chelsea Hotel, haunt of Cohen, Dylan, and Joplin, stops accepting guests

You know how real-estate moguls are always the bad guys in romantic comedies and children's movies? That's probably because, more often…
Uh oh: Bob Dylan's grandson trying to be a rapper

Uh oh: Bob Dylan's grandson trying to be a rapper

Following the rap stylings of Tom Hanks' studio-gangsta son, Chet Haze, we now find ourselves confronted with a new hip-hop effort from…
Paul Simon is mad that Bob Dylan blew off his duet request

Paul Simon is mad that Bob Dylan blew off his duet request

In case the world needed further evidence that Bob Dylan is a Diva with a capital 'D' (or so I like to imagine), Paul Simon has provided…