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Congressmen fight same-sex marriage in the Navy

Congressmen fight same-sex marriage in the Navy

In the Navy, you can sail the seven seas, but if you're a gay man, you really can't put your mind at ease, especially if you're…
Links: Law firm hired by Boehner to defend DOMA quits

Links: Law firm hired by Boehner to defend DOMA quits

When Speaker of the House John Boehner sheds some of his legendary tears tonight, let's not be too hard on him. After all, it's hard to…
House Republicans paying lawyer up to $500,000 to defend DOMA

House Republicans paying lawyer up to $500,000 to defend DOMA

After months of pontificating about government spending, House Republicans have now hired former Solicitor General Paul Clement and his legal…
U.S. Immigration Services puts hold on benefit applications from same-sex couples

U.S. Immigration Services puts hold on benefit applications from same-sex couples

"U.S. Immigration Services puts hold on benefit applications from same-sex couples" sounds bad, but it's actually good &mdash…
Gay woman gets stay of deportation in the midst of DOMA upheaval

Gay woman gets stay of deportation in the midst of DOMA upheaval

Monica Alcota (on the right in the above picture) is an Argentinian woman who, having overstayed her tourist visa, is on the verge of deportation…
Americans against Congress defending DOMA by a 22-point margin

Americans against Congress defending DOMA by a 22-point margin

A new poll shows that a majority of voters are against the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as exclusively between one man…