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New York City marijuana arrests skyrocket, also happen to be racist and illegal

New York City marijuana arrests skyrocket, also happen to be racist and illegal

In the last decade, marijuana busts have skyrocketed in New York City. Nearly 40,000 people a year are arrested for low-level marijuana-related…
Good news: marijuana's not actually bad for your lungs

Good news: marijuana's not actually bad for your lungs

In case acute health-consciousness has been the only thing holding you back from going through life pleasantly stoned, you can finally start…
Miley Cyrus reveals she smokes "way too much f***ing weed," is a Bob Marley fan

Miley Cyrus reveals she smokes "way too much f***ing weed," is a Bob Marley fan

Contrary to what Hunter S. Thompson's oeuvre tells you, drugs do not, in fact, make you cool. Unless, of course, you are Hannah Montana…
The Netherlands are trying to ban "nuisance" tourists from weed coffeeshops

The Netherlands are trying to ban "nuisance" tourists from weed coffeeshops

In an unexpected and uncharacteristically uptight move, the Netherlands are working to ban out-of-towners from their endlessly popular marijuana…
Arizona nurse fired for being a medical marijuana patient

Arizona nurse fired for being a medical marijuana patient

Arizona sure seems eager to defend its reputation as a state prone to controversial legal decisions. Registered nurse and Arizona resident…
Half of Americans now support marijuana legalization

Half of Americans now support marijuana legalization

  With less than a month before California votes on Proposition 19, a new Gallup poll has been released showing that fifty percent of…
New marijuana-shaped lollipops are harshing parents' buzz

New marijuana-shaped lollipops are harshing parents' buzz

In addition to candy cigarettes and chocolate syringes (yes, those exist), we can now add pot-shaped lollipops to the litany of drug-inspired…
Netherlands moves to classify high-potency cannabis as hard drug

Netherlands moves to classify high-potency cannabis as hard drug

The Dutch government has announced (to the consternation of Purple Rhino fans) that it will soon classify high-potency cannabis (anything…
Despite munchies, obesity is less common among pot smokers

Despite munchies, obesity is less common among pot smokers

Apparently, pot smokers are more likely to look like Jay than Silent Bob. According to a new survey, people who indulge in frequent marijuana use…
New reality show about medical marijuana store set to premiere on Discovery Channel

New reality show about medical marijuana store set to premiere on Discovery Channel

Steve DeAngelo is about to join the ranks of  Nancy Botwin and Walter White as cable TV's favorite drug dealer. The only difference is…
Anthropologist thinks Shakespeare may have been a pothead

Anthropologist thinks Shakespeare may have been a pothead

To inhale or not to inhale, that is the question. South African anthropologist Francis Thackeray thinks he may have discovered the true source of…
Canadian government ordered to pay for couple's marijuana

Canadian government ordered to pay for couple's marijuana

A Canadian appeals court has told Nova Scotia's Community Services Department that it must help fund a cannabis garden owned by two of its…
The Netherlands cracks down on marijuana tourism

The Netherlands cracks down on marijuana tourism

Your American self might soon be banned from Dutch "coffee shops." At least the ones that sell more than just coffee. The country is…
Report: marijuana arrests in New York much higher in 2010

Report: marijuana arrests in New York much higher in 2010

A new report released Thursday by the New York Division of Criminal Justice Services revealed that marijuana arrests in New York last year were…

Dutch Mellow on Tourist Pot Ban