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Contrary to what Hunter S. Thompson's oeuvre tells you, drugs do not, in fact, make you cool. Unless, of course, you are Hannah Montana, and you are so uncool that you make Taylor Swift look like Kim Deal in comparison. As part of her campaign to make you like her just a little bit, Miley Cyrus celebrated her nineteenth birthday by enjoying a cake bearing the visage of reggae legend Bob Marley. "You know you're a stoner when friends make you a Bob Marley cake," Cyrus quipped to the crowd after friend Kelly Osborne presented her with the cake. "You know you smoke way too much fucking weed." 

After she was busted for smoking salvia last year, it seems that Cyrus has been on a quest to reinvent herself from a Disney pop princess into something approximating a real person. Although her comment makes her sound a little like that dude you hung out with in high school who tried to prove how hardcore he was by smoking out of a Capri Sun juicebox, it's kind of adorable that she's such a proud pothead (especially considering both her parents were in attendance at the party, which totally means that Billy Ray and his daughter were toking it up during Hannah Montana's run).

While not even the strongest pot in the world can erase the memory of Cyrus' tween stardom (not to mention her psychosis-inducing cover of "Smells Like Teen Spirit"), it's almost refreshing to see a pop star trying to recover from adolescence the way a normal teenager would. At least she's not trying to self-medicate with a nasty meth habit; or, even worse, intercourse with Fred Durst.

Commentarium (10 Comments)

Nov 28 11 - 2:06pm

Smoking out of a Capri Sun juicebox XD

Nov 28 11 - 2:28pm

Miley has always been fun. Hello, hello, hello, how low - I liked her cover of Smells Like Teen Spirit. People who defend the way Nirvanah played it always have to invoke that they sounded like crap purposely as part of the message of the song. I'm not buying that.

Nov 28 11 - 6:59pm

Just because a song isn't Autotuned and overproduced to within an inch of its life doesn't mean it sounds like crap. Nirvana (where the hell do you get an h from, anyway?) played it exactly how it was supposed to be played, because they wrote it - a step in the whole "being a musician" thing that pop tarts like Miley Cyrus are wholly unfamiliar with.

Nov 29 11 - 3:19pm

@mfan Everything is wrong with everything you said up there. Everything.

Nov 28 11 - 11:28pm
Drugs R Bad

I can only guess she makes better decisions when stoned.

Nov 29 11 - 2:19am

I like her more now. Still hate her. But as a stoner that makes me happy. She is learning the joys and beauty of marijuana

Nov 29 11 - 11:12am

i'd party with her.

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