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PETA uses the promise of extreme rough sex to sell veganism

PETA uses the promise of extreme rough sex to sell veganism

PETA has released a bizarre new PSA for veganism, featuring a woman limping around in a neck brace. What happened? Her boyfriend took up…
PETA enlists Lingerie Football League players for new anti-fur campaign

PETA enlists Lingerie Football League players for new anti-fur campaign

For PETA's latest anti-fur ad campaign, the organization recruited players from the Lingerie Football League, the seven-on-seven…
PETA has finger on the pulse, finally takes on <em>Super Mario Bros. 3</em>

PETA has finger on the pulse, finally takes on Super Mario Bros. 3

Remember twenty years ago or so, spending late nights playing Super Mario Bros. 3 and first stumbling onto the fabled Tanooki suit? The…
PETA has a porn site in the works

PETA has a porn site in the works

PETA: say what you want about them, but they garner publicity in ways that make Kim Kardashian look like some awkward undergrad with a Tumblr and…
PETA models shower nude in Hollywood to promote vegan lifestyle

PETA models shower nude in Hollywood to promote vegan lifestyle

  The latest publicity stunt by PETA to mix sexy women with the promotion of a non-meat diet — since their vegetable-fellating Super…
Links: PETA's new naked woman ad enrages the Catholic Church

Links: PETA's new naked woman ad enrages the Catholic Church

Wow, this story has a veritable panoply of guaranteed-to-outrage elements: PETA, nutty enough on their own, made some more naked-woman…
PETA's new Super Bowl ad features women fellating vegetables

PETA's new Super Bowl ad features women fellating vegetables

In PETA's new commercial — perhaps to run during the Super Bowl, if it doesn't get banned — ladies show some love to…
While You Were Sleeping: A "Mad Men" actress finally poses nude

While You Were Sleeping: A "Mad Men" actress finally poses nude

Here's Pamela Anderson in a two-piece for PETA... if you're still into looking at that sort of thing. "A waitress who works on a Baltic Sea ferry is…