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Prince William

Pippa Middleton's ass is inspiring Facebook fan pages

Pippa Middleton's ass is inspiring Facebook fan pages

After all the pomp and pageantry of the royal wedding, a certain younger sister of the bride has people talking, and not because of any faux pas…
Jay-Z, Beyoncé invited to play royal wedding reception

Jay-Z, Beyoncé invited to play royal wedding reception

Jay-Z and Beyoncé, who are recorded in the Guinness World Records as being the two coolest people to have ever had sex with each other…
Eerie masks of royal family members are all the rage in Britain

Eerie masks of royal family members are all the rage in Britain

As the old saying goes, "there's no better way to show someone you care than to wear a weird paper mask with a picture of their face on…
Royal honeymoon might go down in Australia

Royal honeymoon might go down in Australia

With every boring, televised royal wedding comes a (hopefully) not boring, (unfortunately) not televised royal honeymoon. But where will all…