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Republicans up in arms about children's movies pushing a "lefty political agenda"

Republicans up in arms about children's movies pushing a "lefty political agenda"

Penguin families with stay-at-home dads? Songs that embrace unity and cooperation? Cars that run not on oil, but renewable energy? The only…
Newt Gingrich calls child-labor laws "stupid"

Newt Gingrich calls child-labor laws "stupid"

If you've ever seen the musical Oliver!, chances are you didn't walk out of the theater thinking that the main character was a lazy…
Newt Gingrich says that OWS protesters should "take a bath," "get a job"

Newt Gingrich says that OWS protesters should "take a bath," "get a job"

At the Thanksgiving Family Forum in Iowa Saturday, GOP candidate/guardian of upstanding moral righteousness/giant pumpkin with teeth and hair…
College Republicans president stupidly tweets Obama assassination is "tempting"

College Republicans president stupidly tweets Obama assassination is "tempting"

If you take a federal-law class at University of Texas Austin, you might not learn anything about Title 18 of Section 871 in the United States…
Professor responds to "Conservative Coming Out Week" with expletive-laden email

Professor responds to "Conservative Coming Out Week" with expletive-laden email

It sure is hard out there for young Republicans, especially at the University of Iowa. So much so that the College Republicans decided to hold a…