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Nerd Apex Reached: Dungeons and Dragons

I am going to end this day of geek-out with what is, by far, the geekiest thing I have ever been involved in: Dungeons and Dragons. In Junior High, I would get together with a group of friends on the weekend, and play D&D. I can't tell you exactly what my character was because, honestly, we were pretty casual about the whole thing.

We were all nerdy outcasts, so it was a lot more about the camaraderie, and getting together, than about playing the game. Though, don't get me wrong, we played the game. For hours. And hours.

However, this was not my nerdiest encounter with D&D. Not by a long shot. I swear, there's no reason I should ever admit this in a public forum, but this is, without a doubt, the nerdiest thing I have ever done in my entire life. Ready?

I used to play Dungeons and Dragons

Comments ( 4 )

Wow, that's hardcore.

city_wendy commented on Mar 27 08 at 8:21 pm

This is the sort of post that encourages people to buy the things I suggest, right?

Right guys?


azalben commented on Mar 27 08 at 11:04 pm

I totally played too... But in high school... ouch. Then it got worse because I was introduced to MUDs (Multi-User Dungeons/Domains). Basically it was 1996's version of World of Warcraft without the graphics, just multi-colored scrolling text. So I would sit in front of my computer for literally HOURS with text scrolling in front of my eyes. That was a real low.

Anyway, never played D&D by myself (probably because I never thought to), but I did roll up a gazillion characters for possible future games.

If you're wondering, yes I play WoW (still a nerd).

Anonymous commented on Mar 28 08 at 7:12 am


Wow. I thought I was the only one who was willing to admit that they ever played MUDs. Many a summer vacation was spent inside in a dark cave with the text constantly scrolling. It always amused me to watch my parents come in and gape in astonishment, "How on earth do you read all of that so fast?"

I don't want to play WoW. Not because I don't want to... but because the last thing I need is something else to waste time with.

Anonymous commented on Apr 01 08 at 5:15 am

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