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Anthony Weiner

Last week, we came out swinging in defense of Anthony Weiner, arguing for him to stay in office and urging everyone to honor his right to privacy — which includes the right to dick-tweet. We still feel that way, mostly, but Weiner's making it very, very hard for us. (Too easy). 

Following a highly publicized scandal only two weeks ago in which blurry photos of the Congressman's genitals made it onto the internet, new photos, again taken by Weiner, show him posing bare-chested with a towel around his waist in the locker room of the House Members' Gym. It's good news for anyone who saw the last batch of photos and was only left wanting more; it's terrible news for the Representative and his family, since not only do they have to endure more humiliation, but these photos could be an ethics breach. 

The House Ethics Committee has a "golden rule," which states that Representatives must behave in a way that reflects well upon the institution. These pictures, since they were taken inside the taxpayer-funded facility, are more likely to be seen as a violation of that rule — which could lead to Weiner losing his job. 

For those concerned about Weiner and his admitted sex addiction, his spokeswoman Risa Heller said in a recent statement that Weiner sought "professional treatment" last Saturday morning "to focus on becoming a better husband and healthier person." The "treatment" in question has been kept under wraps, but we can only assume it involves being strapped down Clockwork Orange-style and forced to watch Showgirls on repeat. 

More About Anthony Weiner

Comments ( 20 )

Jun 13 11 at 4:39 pm

Man, this guy just keeps getting better. I wouldn't call it a sex addiction since you would have to say that almost all the male population has that problem.

Jun 13 11 at 4:39 pm

The countdown continues...

Jun 13 11 at 4:51 pm

For some reason this made me think of "When a Stranger Calls."

The dick pics are coming from inside the house locker room!

Jun 13 11 at 9:41 pm

God dammit Moops. I love you.

Jun 13 11 at 5:11 pm

The White House is now finding this a problem.

"We think this is a distraction obviously from the important business that this president needs to conduct and Congress needs to conduct," Carney told reporters aboard Air Force One.

Mind you it could be the State Democrats who put the most pressure on Weiner.

New York state lost 1 congressional seat due to declining population in the 2010 census. The simple solution would be to eliminate Weiner's seat through redistricting. Then let him fight another Democrat in the 2012 primaries.

Jun 13 11 at 5:55 pm

If he was a Republican Hooksexup would've been advocating his resignation from day one.

I don't expect ubiased reporting from an obviously liberal-biased organization, but the blatant political hypocrisy when it comes to non-ideology matters needs to go.

Jun 13 11 at 6:17 pm

I welcome a citation to Hooksexup's demand that Christopher Lee (formerly R-NY) resign.

Jun 13 11 at 9:46 pm

@profrobert - As a professor of the law, I'd think you'd read more carefully. Note the sentence construction and the use of the conditional.

Try again.

Jun 14 11 at 11:32 am

False. If he were some loudmouth FAMILY VALUES!!!1!!1!!! jackass, we'd all have been grilling him even harder. As this "scandal" doesn't obviously go against any platforms he's ramming us with, it's a murkier issue.

Jun 13 11 at 6:31 pm
Wishy Washy

“I can tell you that if it was me, I would resign. Because public service is exactly that, it’s a service to the public.” - Barrack Obama 6/13/2011

“When you get to the point where, because of various personal distractions, you can’t serve as effectively as you need to at the time when people are worrying about jobs and their mortgages and paying the bills, then you should probably step back.” - Barrack Obama 6/13/2011

Talk about waffling, just say he should resign.

Jun 13 11 at 6:48 pm

Fuck THIS guy!
i've said it before, and I'll say it again..
Skeletor lookin' jackass.

Jun 13 11 at 6:51 pm
beth hawkins

Maybe the reason he is seeking some form of sexual thrill might be because his wife doesn't do it for him anymore. like the old saying been pretty and smart is not enough, a woman got to be a who*re in bed to keep a man.

Jun 13 11 at 8:02 pm

Maybe the reason is because he's a jerk. If he wants thrills he could have shown some respect and gotten a divorce instead of getting her pregnant.

Jun 14 11 at 1:17 am

Always a woman's, some woman's, fault for anything men do with their own hands and their own penises and their own cameras, right? You make me sad.

Jun 14 11 at 11:29 am

Above reply beat me to it, once again. It's like the old saying, "she was asking for it," right, @beth hawkins?

Jun 13 11 at 8:22 pm

Wouldn't it be nice if our elected officials were actually people we could look up to as "leaders" and feel like they were actually promoting the ideals we would like to see in place to improve our lives? It continues to disappoint me that with millions to choose from, the scum always rises to the top.

Jun 14 11 at 11:30 am

They are not "leaders." They are representatives. Having spent many many years online, in this case, I'd say pretty a accurate representation.

Jun 13 11 at 8:29 pm

I'm a flaming liberal and I (used to) like Weiner, but I agree with MRAGH.

I wouldn't want this guy to be my congressman, either.

Jun 13 11 at 9:56 pm

It's a shame when the folks who most often get ahead in this country -- executives, lawyers, politicians, celebrities, etc. -- are the biggest bunch of fucking jerks. And then for some reason we look up to these people instead of shunning them like they deserve.

Jun 14 11 at 1:44 am

You look up to Weiner?

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