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Bachmann the titanium woman

Who's afraid of Michele Bachmann? Probably not Rick Perry, Herman Cain, or any other GOP candidate with polling in the promising realm of double-digits. But that won't stop her from pretending she's still a force to be reckoned with by repeating the same things she's been saying since those hopeful days back in the Iowa straw poll.

"I would reinstate the don't ask, don't tell policy," she reiterated earlier this week. "It worked before and what it says is the issue of sexuality is one that doesn't come up and people aren't allowed to be open about it because the United States military, it's not a social experiment." So, wait. Is she saying that in all those years under DADT gayness... just didn't come up?

So there's her crazy campaign point. But she also pulled out another old talking point that one of her staffers probably should have reminded her not to bring up. That is, if Bachmann still had any staffers around on the trainwreck-on-fire that is her campaign.

"I have a titanium spine. I will put my spine up against any man who is running in this race," she said. That is equal parts awkward and terrifying, though I would love to see a spinal column-themed series of campaign ads emerge from her camp.

Comments ( 32 )

Oct 07 11 at 2:18 pm
Drew P. Wiener

Michelle also used a "don't ask don't tell" policy for recruiting a husband.

Oct 07 11 at 2:19 pm

So she's a Clintonista?

Oct 07 11 at 4:10 pm

She's a completely horrible human being, period.

Oct 07 11 at 4:17 pm
The Janitor

So she admits she's a Terminator?

Oct 07 11 at 4:23 pm
Dr Jan Itor

We're all terminators when it comes to the current administration.

Oct 09 11 at 4:09 pm

We need a white president.

Oct 07 11 at 4:29 pm

I never understood what the big deal was with that policy. I don't tell people about me sexuality and this never affected my performance.

Oct 08 11 at 5:49 am

the big deal was kicking people out if their sexuality came to light.

Oct 10 11 at 12:09 am

I obviously don't understand the issue at hand.

Oct 10 11 at 10:54 am

ggg, I recommend you the documentary "The strange history of Don't ask", by watching it you'll understand (I hope) how damaging the policy was. To me it was heartbreaking, good thing that it was repelled.

Oct 11 11 at 2:56 am

Lots of people got their military careers ruined for either being outed or lied about by some asshole. It was a little McCarthy scare for the military except exchange red for rainbows or whatever.

Oct 07 11 at 5:05 pm

She might want to chat with her husband about stuffing gays back in the closet.

Oct 07 11 at 7:09 pm

Conservatives -- and ggg -- seem to have a real misunderstanding of what, exactly, DADT is. It's not a matter of being out and loud -- it's a matter of it being a witch hunt. If you're seen doing anything gay, or caught with your S.O. even in a civilian location, you would be given a dishonorable discharge. You had to hide huge parts of your life just to get by. Also, these aren't just co-workers, they're your college friends, your comrades-in-arms, your closest friends, and you have to be constantly guarded and watchful around them. And you bet your ass the straight guys talk about sex, so you can't just 'not tell' -- you have to actively pretend.

Oct 07 11 at 11:43 pm
I.P Freely

Well said.

Oct 08 11 at 12:56 pm

I'm pretty sure the discharges were "honorable," not "dishonorable" ones, though I can't find a cite to back me up. Not that that makes DADT ok, but it's not as horrendous as it would have been were the discharges "dishonorable," which has real world consequences for jobs, benefits, etc. It's almost like having a felony conviction on your record.

Oct 08 11 at 9:59 am

Hold on...let me look at the article...OH! There it is! I was worried that Hooksexup posted an article about MB that didn't describe her as crazy. Luckily, the soft misogyny of Hooksexup is still on display.

Oct 09 11 at 2:42 am

She's crazy

Oct 08 11 at 1:36 pm

MB is evil blah blah blah. Im gay and wouldn't want to die for a country that doesn't provide me with certain inalienable rights that the constitution guarantees me.

Oct 08 11 at 6:10 pm

What would those rights be, jr?

Oct 08 11 at 11:55 pm
Koch Bros.

Publius, this is the "new" jr. Not the old one. You are being trolled! We pay them well...

Oct 09 11 at 8:42 pm

New jr, old jr, real jr? You're full of shit, troll.

Oct 10 11 at 12:12 am
Koch Bros.

See, Publius? My trolls work hard. They work fast! (because they don't have girlfriends, but regardless...) I marvel at their ability to distract and confuse. You are welcome.

Oct 08 11 at 9:29 pm

The US Constitution. Maybe you've heard of it? Bill of Rights, 14th amendment, stuff like that. As for the inalienable part, that from the Declaration. Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and being trolled on Hooksexup.

Oct 08 11 at 11:56 pm

Can I troll myself? The answer is yes.

Oct 09 11 at 12:19 pm
Koch Bros.

Gee, you mean anybody can do this? Cool.

Oct 09 11 at 2:12 pm
Anita Bath

Anyone can use any name. However, one's true identity is the content of their comment.

Oct 09 11 at 7:50 pm
Koch Bros.

Talk is cheap, troll.

Oct 10 11 at 12:12 am
Koch Bros.

I know you are, but what am I?

Oct 10 11 at 9:07 am

If I were straight, I would fuck her.

Oct 10 11 at 12:28 pm
Marcus Bachmann

However, you'll have to just settle for me.

Oct 10 11 at 1:12 pm
Mark Foley


Oct 11 11 at 2:58 am
Larry Craig

I need to use the restroom, excuse me.

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