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Controversial NYC anti-abortion billboard taken down

anti-abortion billboard

Even if it's likely more of a testament to the power of political pressure than to common decency, this is kind of a relief: Life Always, the Louisiana anti-abortion group behind this controversial New York billboard targeting African Americans, has taken down the ad, originally placed "in honor of Black History Month."  The billboard began generating controversy when it went up in New York's Soho district earlier this week, as did Life Always pastor Stephen Broden's statements explicitly comparing abortion in the African American community to genocide.

"It sent a clear message that it was against a woman's right to choose, and [exhibited] classic racial profiling," said an Al Sharpton spokesperson of the billboard, adding that Rev. Sharpton "salutes the company" for its removal and is cancelling planned protests.

Comments ( 8 )

Feb 25 11 at 11:35 am

I think it goes to the issue that black women represent 13% of the population yet account for 35% of the abortions.

That's not profiling, its fact.

Feb 25 11 at 3:42 pm

There's a better way to speak to that issue. Education and health programs are also better ways to solve the problem than criminalizing and shock tactics (see: crack).

Mar 03 11 at 12:00 pm
health disparity?

They may make up a larger portion of the abortion rates, however, you also have to take into account African Americans have, as a whole, lower socioeconomic status which could account for less education, resources, and access to continued care. You can't just look at a statistic and think it tells the whole story. You have to look at all the determinants.

Feb 25 11 at 3:46 pm

shut up, afd.

Feb 25 11 at 3:52 pm

That's right up there with "Sez you" and "So's you're mother".

Great come back.

Try debating the issue.

Feb 25 11 at 8:28 pm

Why don't you try debating, rather than pointing out a statistic (which I haven't checked for veracity) and not actually making any cogent point.

Feb 28 11 at 11:39 am

So stating a fact doesn't count as adding to the debate?

It is a cogent point, it goes to the issue behind the billboard.

The New York stats are even more telling.

But I guess facts don't count here.

Feb 25 11 at 11:23 pm

Did this news blip really just use the phrase "common decency"? What the hell is that?

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