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Quick Tip of the Day: Sit or Squat

Posted by Steph Auteri


This is disgusting, but — whilist driving through Brooklyn, a spectacularly rich dinner behind me — my stomach tightened and twisted and I knew that, if I didn't find a public restroom, STAT, all of my organs would end up coming out of my throat from the pressure of clenching my ass. I distractedly drove toward Manhattan, my face pale and sweating, when I miraculously came upon a gas station Dunkin Donuts. With no other options in sight, I pulled into the lot with a screech.

Long story short (too late?), I popped a button on my pants, there was no toilet paper in the rest room, and I was left wishing that I had never eaten that oh-my-god-so-effing-delicious lobster, when what I was used to living off of was Rice Krispies and ramen noodles.

Really, though. Things wouldn't have been so bad if there had been a more upscale public restroom option.


SitOrSquat allows you to search for public restrooms on a Google-like map.

Unfortunately, as the site's directory of restroom is populated by users, some neighborhoods are still incredibly sparse. The only restroom in the vicinity of my Dunkin Donuts incident? A and J Auto Service.

[via lifehacker]

Related: When You Can't Hold It Anymore



Shaun Seneviratne said:

this is seriously one of the best things i've ever heard of

December 9, 2008 10:43 AM

About Steph Auteri

Steph Auteri is a freelance writer and proofreader who has been published in Publishers Weekly, New York Press, Playgirl, and other bastions of fine writing. She maintains a professional site -- -- and also blogs about freelancing over at You can keep up on her day-to-day by visiting her Twitter page,
