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Minor Detail About Reverend Wright's 9/11 Sermon: He Didn't Say It!

Posted by Katie Halper

If you don't live in a cave, you've probably heard about the "controversial," "inflammatory," "over the top," "Obama Pastor" Reverend Jeremiah Wright. He's the preacher whose "fiery" speeches got Obama in a whole lot of trouble with white people. (He's also On Our "To-Do" List, but that's not germane right now.) Wright really got slammed for his  9/11 sermon. The poor media was so busy bombarding us with propaganda and manipulating video, they TOTALLY forgot to, you know, like show us the context, or, like tell the truth or whatever.

Turns out, when Reverend Wright was making those the "Anti-American" "unpatriotic" statements about 9/11, he was actually quoting someone else. You'll never guess which left wing angry black man white former U.S. Ambassador really uttered the words.

Edward Peck! If you don't know Edward Peck, he's a former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and was deputy director of President Reagan’s terrorism task force. Oops! 

Check out the true story here, which Roland Martin broke on Anderson Cooper's Blog:

One of the most controversial statements in this sermon was when he mentioned “chickens coming home to roost.” He was actually quoting Edward Peck, former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and deputy director of President Reagan’s terrorism task force, who was speaking on FOX News. That’s what he told the congregation.

He was quoting Peck as saying that America’s foreign policy has put the nation in peril:

“I heard Ambassador Peck on an interview yesterday did anybody else see or hear him? He was on FOX News, this is a white man, and he was upsetting the FOX News commentators to no end, he pointed out, a white man, an ambassador, he pointed out that what Malcolm X said when he was silenced by Elijah Mohammad was in fact true, he said Americas chickens, are coming home to roost.”



emyrej said:

And you think this detail renders any conclusions drawn about (1) Wright's racial/political views, and/or (2) Obama's deafening silence in the face thereof until he was absolutely forced to address the issue wrong because....?

March 25, 2008 3:32 PM

emyrej said:

And whew, that's a relief--the only potentially troubling sermons that count are ones that happen to be videotaped, and in which offensive invective is phrased in the form of quoting others.  The rest of his sermons clearly must have all been along the lines of universal brotherhood and love. So in other words, it's all just a big, big silly misundertanding!   Thanks, color me convinced, and hand me my ballot so I can help change America!

March 25, 2008 3:41 PM

M2Infinity said:

you should listen again, emyrej. this is definitely no big silly misunderstanding. the message is there. it is true, and it is profound.  America's chickens are coming home to roost, and are they pissed! and as shown, reverend wright's views are neither radical nor political, but rather humanistic, and, dare i say, spiritual. at the end of the day, his advice to his congregation was to examine their own lives rather than criticize our attackers. as his sermon was given in the immediate wake of the most recent attack upon our homeland, i would say that his response was incredibly restrained. i personally felt far more anger at the time than he displayed.

we lead privileged lives in this world, you and i. the ugly facts that mr. wright mentioned in his sermon peel away, for a moment, the gauze we elect to interpose between ourselves and our less fortunately born brethern. if this makes you uncomfortable, then perhaps that is what you should take away, the better to examine your own place in the world.

and btw, this is old news, and has nothing to do with our current situation. if you were so easily duped by the way this was spun, perhaps you should also examine your own politial gullibility.

March 25, 2008 9:47 PM
