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Prostitution 101: Class Trip to the Chicken Ranch

Posted by Nicole Pasulka


What happens when you mix higher education with legalized prostitution? This American Culture class trip to the Chicken Ranch, a legal brothel in Nevada, that's what. After the tour there was the usual Q and A:

Alexis, 38, and Alicia, "over 30," sat on white folding chairs in front the young, earnest women in the brothel's Victorian-styled parlor, usually the setting for the "lineup." They would not give their last names. The group took close notes as a handful of television cameras and reporters looked on.

A blonde in jeans and platform boots, Alexis talked about the job's flexibility and the free time it has allowed her to write a book about her life. Alicia wore a black-and-white gingham nighty and a tattoo on her left breast that read "Famous."

"I enjoy giving back what some people don't get in their lives, as far as companionship, time, just the touch of a woman," she said. The job allows her to take care of her mother and grandmother. She's also in real estate.

This is college? Someone should have told us. We sure wasted a lot of reading Jane Austen and discussing "intertextuality." Would have gotten way better job training interviewing hookers.




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