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Is Bristol Palin now Bristol Palin-Johnston?

Posted by Nicole Pasulka

Slate's XX Factor blog says, maybe so. Seems that Sarah Palin's 17-year-old pregnant daughter might have walked the plank--er, aisle--and hitched herself to baby daddy and self-proclaimed "fucking redneck" Levi Johnston.

Still the only evidence is a new, hyphenated Facebook name. Maybe just a coy nod to her bright future as a teenage bride.



godwal said:

Not sure I buy it just based on Facebook info.  That account has too many friends none of whom seem to be from Alaska. (unless she just accepts anybody who requests)

September 15, 2008 2:36 PM

Apathetic said:

Wow...this is news? Who cares.

September 15, 2008 6:18 PM

harry said:


September 22, 2008 6:31 AM

oh ya said:

Family values. :)

September 22, 2008 11:18 AM

Neenie said:

Congrats.  I don't think this is something that the media needs to focus on, however if she did decide to get married I wish them the best :]

September 22, 2008 12:03 PM

ingrid said: said:

mother can't control daughter how is she going to control the USA?

September 22, 2008 1:37 PM

erin Pelon said:

I hope they did not get forced to get married...which I am pretty sure is the case if they are wed.

September 22, 2008 1:43 PM

maxine said:

Is it really anybody's business weather they did or didn't. I think people should just mind their own business any leave the family alone,

September 22, 2008 2:20 PM

leon said:

If this was one of Obama's daughters,they would be sliced, diced & you can imagine what things that would be said,so I guess there's a DOUBLE STANDARD in our society for them.

September 22, 2008 2:41 PM

Yvonne said:

My thoughts exactly, if it was Obama's daughter it would be "Liberal this and Liberal that" He would never see the Whitehouse!  Wake Up People!

September 22, 2008 3:35 PM

Helen said:

Give the racial issue a rest.....It's nobodys' business.....If it was your daughter or my daughter it wouldn't make news at can't be with kids 24/7 & when the hormones kick in there's no stopping them.....I think Sarah Plin is the best thing that's happened in this campaign....

September 22, 2008 4:32 PM

truth be known said:

If it were Obamas daughter, the baby would be STONE COLD DEAD!!!

September 22, 2008 4:53 PM

BB said:

Hey Yvonne and Leon...Obama would be sliced and diced if it were one of his daughters....because they are 10 and 7...quite a difference from 17!

September 22, 2008 5:03 PM


There is a double standard for palin and her family. Now that this woman is mccain's arm candy, everyone is supposed to forget about morals. Mcpalin made her family and all of her lies the public business when she accepted mccain's offer and didn't BLINK. Something is wrong with a woman who make this kind of decision, with a downs syndrome(if it's hers)baby,a daughter that's pregnant and who knows what the first dude is up to and the rest of the   clan. Those of you who think that this kind of conduct is acceptable must have a lot of it in your families. I thought shot gun weddings were always kept kind of quiet,not for palin, she loves the camera and microphones too much.Palin comes with too much junk in the trunk.

September 22, 2008 5:25 PM

Louis Pysher said:

What is pathetic is that people actually care about it, over other issues that have nothing to do with whether she can really do the job or not.  So she’s a “hockey mom”…so…I am a soccer dad, does that mean I am ready to lead the country and the armed forces of America too.

Let’s stay focused on what the real issues are, and making sure that we are not going to be choosing someone to run the show over the popularity of who is getting more press time, but can do the job that we will be all voting for here very soon.

Stay informed America, this vote really counts, and we need to make sure that EVERY person that has a word in the outcome is not sitting on the computer at home looking the latest gossip.

September 22, 2008 5:33 PM

Laura said:

Helen, as a mother of two i agree you cant be with your kids 24/7, but this is why we teach our kids Values, morals and most of all self repect,Those values will follow them for the rest of there lifes. What is wrong with this world people kids are not being though well at home by there own parents. How is Sarah Palin going to run a Nation if she can’t even tech her own children self respect!? it all starts at home...

September 22, 2008 5:41 PM

Sweet P said:

Get a grip on life people we know obamas daughters are young, but if they were teenagers and one of them were pregnant it would still be news. It is not a race issue it is a moral issue.  Yes its news and Sarah and Todd should be spending more quality time with their children.

September 22, 2008 5:46 PM

sandy said:


September 22, 2008 6:46 PM

Mel said:

Helen, who's Sarah Plin?

September 22, 2008 7:36 PM

Light shiner said:

Lets be realistic with this subject.  Obviously from looking a Palin's background, she would not approve of having her daughter get pregnant out of wedlock.  A first cousin of mine had the same problem, but we the family supported her.  It may be a little old fashioned to marry the girl if you 'ring the bell' but I'm just a little old fashioned and maybe Sarah Palin is too.  To think that serving a VP means you have no time for family.  Look at JFK with young children, the Clintons with their daughter, etc.   People get busy as do 'normal' people, but they make time to show they care for their loved ones.

September 22, 2008 8:07 PM

Nana said:

Maybe if B had some education beyond "abstinance only" she might not be in a mess now

September 22, 2008 9:31 PM

desi said:

It is absolutely true that you can't watch your kids 24/7...but then again none of us are running for VP. Sarah Palin should be held to a higher standard and found accountable.

September 22, 2008 10:10 PM

Dennis said:

Hey ,Sandy Sara not running for president, so leave the housebout of it,

September 22, 2008 10:50 PM

Becky White said:

I think that it is interesting that so MANY of you don't know how to communicate or spell.  Anyway if you guys are so righteous, our country would be in a better place.  Obviously even you guys aren't raising your children right either!!!!  There must be a plank in your eyes since Sarah has a speck.  You are pointing at Sarah when you have more fingers pointing back at you.  Shame!!!  Talk about politics and not her morals.  Remember Bill Clinton lied and cheated on Hillary.

September 23, 2008 12:56 AM

Becky White said:

Why are there such double standards for a woman compared to a man?  Why isn't the man at home caring about the family?  Maybe Obama should stay home and care for his family.  Wait until his kids are teenagers!  Will THEY be any better?

September 23, 2008 1:00 AM

liz Garza said:

Let things be with the family it is no ones problem about the child having a child it's about running this country and she is not the one to run this country not enough experience, more explored is what the USA needs. Let's look at the real deal, not the family deal she's not experienced T.Boone is:}

September 23, 2008 8:48 AM

Becky White said:

On Tue, 9/23/08, Thomas F. Ward <[email protected]> wrote:

From: Thomas F. Ward <[email protected]>

Subject: McCain . . . you're a genius

To: "Friend" <[email protected]>

Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 10:35 AM

If Bill Clinton Could Juggle Five Chicks, Sarah Palin Can Manage Five Kids

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Y'know, there's nothing worse than having a woman hand you your own testicles in a fight. And that's exactly what Palin did to the Jobama ticket Wednesday night at the RNC. She verbally dismembered their party's petty personal smears about her family, her "lack" of experience, and the flaming liberal's vapid platform—and she did it in stilettos with a big grin on her face. It was like watching a leopard bat around a gazelle just before eating it.

Now, before I go any further, let me go on record and say as the president of the Alpha Male Heterosexual Testosterone Fog Club that Sarah Palin is hotter than Georgia asphalt (and my wife doesn't mind me saying that 'cuz she too is muy caliente.) Yep, Palin not only appeals to my conservative roots, but she's not a butt ugly eyesore like the goggle-eyed, Hooksexup grating, unfunny, chunky Marxist chicks the lunatic left jams in our faces. Yes, I am that shallow.

Let's see, what else did I dig about Wednesday at the RNC? Oh yeah, the GOP has finally decided they're not going to take the Dem's smack any longer and came out seriously swinging via Rudy and Palin at Jobama's oh-so-lame record of achievement (cough). Obama had better walk away from the experience digs on sweet Sarah because as a governor she trumps his Peter Pan record. Period. End of discussion.

Biden, Dodd and Hillary agree with Palin when she said Obama ain't got the moxie to be the Man. Wasn't it entertaining watching Rudy have too much fun at Jobama's " experience" expense, his indecisive "present" senate voting record, and Obama's only "gravitas" being his role as a community organizer? (which I believe is a code name for the chief of a socialist gulag.)

Yeah, it was sa-weet watching Palin refuse to play the "Oh, Beauregard, I do declare, I'm a damsel in distress" role. I feel very confident that Palin will be able to hold her own with Biden in the upcoming debates. Matter of fact, he'd better wear a cup and hope to God she doesn't mention how obvious his micro mini-grafts are. So, why do I like Palin besides her looks and Bulldog Attitude?

• She's from a small town. I am pig sick of hearing the smarmy latte sippers dissing folks who don't live in San Francisco. Viva la Smallville, where sanity is still alive and well! I say we all go out and buy a gun and a new Bible to celebrate!

• She's a mama who can juggle work and family. Look, goofy libtard, if Bill Clinton could juggle five chicks and a mean wife, I believe Sarah Palin can manage five kids and a loving husband.

• She' pro-life. And this is not just a political position, but a very personal point for her: She put her down syndrome baby where her mouth is. Today it has become en vogue in our designer family milieu to off a special needs child if detected in the womb because that little bugger could ruin our family photos. Not Palin.

• She's pro-gun. No double speak Barack blather coming out of Palin's mouth about the 2nd amendment and the great sport of hunting. She's a lifetime member of the NRA, a Ted Nugent Kill and Grill it girl. I get from her that if you don't like her right to keep and bear arms or hunt, then you can kiss her moose.

• She's pro-drilling. The only thing the libs will drill is your wallet.

• She's pro-tax cuts. I like my money.

• She's a true blue Washington outsider and not a polluted Chicago politician.

• She's an equal opportunity offender. She has gone toe to toe with idiots on both sides of the aisle. To Palin, crap is crap no matter how you frame it.

Lastly, I thought you feminists dug accomplished women. Why the hatred, ladies?  Do you like only the girls who are nasty, man hating, anti-American, pro-abortion lesbians who loathe this nation and that for which it stands? It sure seems that way.

McCain . . . you're a genius, brother.

September 23, 2008 9:11 PM



about the blogger

Emily Farris writes about culture and food for numerous publications and websites you've probably never heard of, including her own blog eefers. Her first cookbook, Casserole Crazy: Hot Stuff for Your Oven was published in 2008. Emily recently escaped New York and now lives in a ridiculously large apartment in Kansas City, MO with her cat, but just one... so far.

Brian Fairbanks is a filmmaker living in the wilds of Brooklyn. He previously wrote for the Hartford Courant and Gawker. He won the Williamsburg Spelling Bee once. He loves cats, women with guns, and burning books.

Colleen Kane has been an editor at BUST and Playgirl magazines and has written for the endangered species of dead-tree magazines like SPIN and Plenty, as well as Radar Online and other websites. She lives in exile in Baton Rouge with her fiance, two dogs, and her former cat. Read her personal blogs at

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