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Thing #7,859 Not To F*ck: A Metal Rod

Posted by Brian Fairbanks


You would think it would be a woman (or, if was a guy, then a guy simulating some anal action) that would be the one to try having sex with a metal rod. As insane as the idea is, we'd at least relate to it if someone stuck a long, sturdy tube in their private parts... but only if those parts were the ass or the vagina...

...certainly not if they stuck a long, study tube anywhere else...

We heard about this story last night and thought for sure it would be retracted by now or at least updated to say that actually, the metal rod would turn out to have been used for some other purpose other than this...

"We didn't know what he was doing, but we knew it's not right to have your pants down in a park," says witness Jeff Niemeier.

On scene, deputies found 55-year old Larry Williamson sitting on a picnic table naked, masturbating, with a metal rod protruding from his penis.

Sorry, but we cannot fathom this. The most painful experience of our lives was getting a routine STD test in which a (can't even type the word) was shoved inside (nope, can't finish the sentence either-- it was that traumatizing.) In our experience, nothing is ever, ever supposed to go in there and anytime it does... it causes excruciating pain of the most unimaginable order. Like being tied to a chair naked and getting whacked in the balls by a villain with some sort of eye disease. Yowch.

PS This guy has been busted for this before-- not the metal rod part, thank God-- and was found with:

binoculars, sex toys, male enhancement drugs, lotions, a small dog, candy and bags of cotton candy-things often used to lure children.

Good Christ! What the hell was he going to do with the small dog?! Never mind, the metal rod thing around caused us considerable emotional distress, we don't want to know any more...




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blondage said:

its called "sounding" (the metal rod in the urethra thing) and its a much more common practice than you think - for both men and women. A smooth sound/probe/dialator and lots of lube are key in it being a pleasurable not painful experience. Not my thing, but I've known many advocates over the years.

October 17, 2008 4:26 PM

anathema_teatime said:

Indeed, I believe Hooksexup itself had an article about Dr. Kinsey in which it mentioned that he enjoyed sounding, and performed it on himself with such unwise objects as a toothbrush (I hope not bristles side in, but we don't know) to the point that his urethra was permanently affected.

I once inadvertently saw a sounding porno in which a woman not only inserted said metal rod, but whacked it with a tuning fork. At that point, I averted my eyes (It was at an Erotic Exotic Ball. There was other stuff to look at . . .)

October 17, 2008 5:17 PM

lawstonfound said:

I read about this unusual sexual practice in "Everything You Wanted Tom Know About Sex..." Back in the 70's. I'm with Brian on this. That's a very sensitive area, and I live in mortal fear (well, not constantly) of being catheterized. OWWWWUCH!!!!

October 17, 2008 7:52 PM

GeeBee said:

"routine" STD test, Scanner Brian? Hmm... sounds to me like the doc suspected strongly you had picked up a dose of something. But that's your business (snicker).

Anyway, some years ago a routine (truly) urine test at my annual checkup revealed blood cells in my urine, leading my medico to order a battery of tests. One of them involved a fiber-optic imaging device (thick as a #2 pencil) going all the way up through my urethra, past my prostate (YEEEOOOWWWW!) and into my bladder. This "sounding" business is definitely not for me.

October 17, 2008 8:16 PM

profrobert said:

Mapplethorp has some photos of things going into male urethras.  It made my testicles want to retract.  There should be a sign on the head of every penis:  "Do not back up -- severe tire damage."  I have to agree with GeeBee:  The cystoscope was the worst pain I've ever had in my life.

October 18, 2008 11:23 AM

About Brian Fairbanks

Brian Fairbanks, the Senior National Political Correspondent for Hooksexup, is a filmmaker living in Brooklyn or New Orleans, depending on the season. He is a heavily-armed advocate of gun control.
