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Real or Fake? Nude Photos of Obama's Mother

Posted by Brian Fairbanks


We're serious-- these could actually be real, although one blogger has an interesting theory that would cancel out that possibility.

Of course, the real question is: why are we seeing these photos now, less than two weeks till Election Day? Could this be some sort of ruse by the Right, now that the Ayers-Socialism-Muslim smear campaign has obviously failed? We found this on a radical right-wing website that claims Islamofascists and left-wingers are one and the same:

It's amazing what there is on the internet. A geneological researcher has emailed me with three pictures of Obama's mother in the nude. That would be of trivial interest except for the setting in which the picures were taken. They were clearly taken in a sophisticated mid-century apartment and my correspondent suggests that the apartment details could be used to identify the photographer. He feels that the photographer is the Communist "Frank" whom Obama mentions as his mentor. That Frank was so intimate with Obama's mother would support the contention that Frank was in fact Obama's father. Various bloggers have pointed out how similar Obama looks to "Frank" and the coverup of Obama's birth certificate is certainly very suspicious...

Yep, these people will say anything to drag Obama through the mud (since they can't win on things like issues, facts, and reality)... and apparently they'll take as fact what "a geneological [sic] researcher" e-mailed them. Groovy.

One Google blogger ("Anna") disagrees:

Sorry, I just don't see it. For one thing Obama's mother always wore her hair long and the woman in the photos had short hair.  I think
they are barking up the wrong tree here which is so sad because there are so so many right trees that they have available to them. 

Ah... yeah... there's so much else they can hit Obama on... such as... uh... that he once shook hands with a guy at a rally who did time for unpaid parking tickets. Terrorist!

Anyway, back to the photos... here's one. Compare it to the one at the top left and decide for yourself...

Her face kinda looks photoshopped here, so we're going to call bullshit where no one else is. That's a shame, too, because someone needs to call these despicable right-wingers out on this continued nonsense-- guys and dolls, if you have to resort to disgracing somebody's mother in order to win an election, it's time to admit you may been on the wrong side of the aisle...

Here and here are the other pictures. We don't have the heart to post them. 



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Raven said:

On a completely non-political note, those are kickass shoes.

October 23, 2008 9:22 AM

Wrongo said:

They are terrible photoshop pictures.  The head is way out of proportion.  What's next, noodz of McCain's mother?

October 23, 2008 2:16 PM

blackavar said:

Not that I've ever studied shooped n00dz or anything <cough>, but the skin tone, granularity, and light are all wrong.

October 23, 2008 4:07 PM

fabul1st said:

Totally calling Shenanigans on this one.

October 23, 2008 5:09 PM

llorch said:

Eyebrows too thick. Obama's mom's are thinner.

October 24, 2008 4:30 AM


Es evidente la falsedad de esta foto, solo hay que notar el cabezonon que tiene, en relación al cuerpo. Ahora, he leído en relación a reinas de belleza, políticas, artistas de todo género, maestras y pare usted de contar, que son señaladas y criticadas negativamente por mostrarse sin ropa. Pienso que ante el bombardeo comunicacional en el que usan el cuerpo femenino como punta de lanza para cualquier objetivo, y los miramos, o nó?. O será que usted le tapa los ojos a su niña cuando va por la calle y observa cualquier valla publicitaria o le apaga la tele cuando para publicitar un dentrífico le sacan las amigdalas con la lengua  a la modelo para argumentar que la pasta dental es la mejor? Dejemos la doble moral y cosechemos lo que nuestros abuelos y padres sembraron: mujeres que se tocan, bailan entre ellas y entrelazan sus lenguas y cuerpos y hombres jovenes y no tan jovenes que se excitan aún más cuando su pareja está con otra mujer en su presencia. Si es o no la madre de Obama, gozenla pero aun, si estuviera fornicando sería mas censurable el violentar su privacidad.

October 25, 2008 11:06 AM

About Brian Fairbanks

Brian Fairbanks, the Senior National Political Correspondent for Hooksexup, is a filmmaker living in Brooklyn or New Orleans, depending on the season. He is a heavily-armed advocate of gun control.
