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Trailer Review: The House Bunny

Posted by Paul Clark

Anna Faris is such a sunny and committed actress that I can't help but like her. Unfortunately, her tendency to gravitate to crappy movies makes this something of a challenge. Sadly, House Bunny does little to reverse this trend. Like many Happy Madison productions, House Bunny has a promising premise- a pampered young woman suddenly having to learn how to apply her meager life skills to an unlikely job. But true to Happy Madison tradition, they find a way to turn this premise into the most juvenile product imaginable, with plenty of forced slapstick and cheap shots at easy targets. In addition, it's painfully obvious that Faris' "geeky" charges- who include Katherine McPhee and Emma Stone (Jules from Superbad)- are obviously hot chicks in heavy makeup, which makes their miraculous transformation into stunners inevitable instead of surprising. That said, Faris at least appears to give it her all, doing her best to put a spin on over-explained jokes like the American Idol bit. And maybe it was just my low expectations, but her bizarre technique for remembering names got a chuckle out of me, which is better than some trailers I could mention.



eurrapanzy said:

i always worry when one of these movies comes out, because i hate the idea that smart people only become the best versions of themselves when they are "fixed" by the superficial.  i'll probably see it, eventually, but that's because i like terrible films.

April 20, 2008 1:43 PM