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5) Paul Giamatti
Paul Giamatti does many things well. He does schlubby (American Splendor). He does regal (John Adams). He even does a sterling "oh-my-God-I'm-so-fucking-histrionic-because-I'm-surrounded-by-total-dross" (most of his lesser films). But does he do handsome? Nuh-uh. Somebody's got to say no to firm jaw lines and six-pack abs, and no one does it with Giamatti's panache. His imperviousness to good looks is, in turn, incredibly sexy. — C.L.

4) Courtney Love
Mrs. Cobain could be a fetching lass if she cleaned up a bit, right? Wrong. Go watch The People vs. Larry Flynt again. Courtney Love is ugly. While we're back in the mid-'90s though, re-watch Love's drunken ambush of Kurt Loder and Madonna at the 1995 MTV Video Awards. Fucking with Madonna is sexy enough, but this singular moment in time also reveals Courtney's magnetism. Yeah, she's the girl your friends tell you not to go home with when you've had a few. But she's also the gal you go home with after telling your friends, "I'm not even drunk." — J.C.

3) Mickey Rourke
Since The Wrestler, no one can mention Mickey without talking about his puffy, almost feline face. The result of botched reconstructive surgery following an ill-advised pro-boxing career, Rourke's mug is a far cry from the days of The Pope of Greenwich Village. That said, he's a convincing and affable tough guy, but he also comes off like a delicate, attentive lover. You can just picture those meathook-hands wrapping around your lower back and carrying you somewhere you desperately want to be. — J.B.

2) Sandra Bernhard
Sandra Bernhard could probably beat up any of the other people on this list. After a multi-decade career of running her mouth, and extending gaping gap-toothed sneers to anyone who got in her way, Bernhard has emerged as a sort of sex symbol for contrarians, posing for Playboy and playing one of television's first open lesbians along the way. She's definitely funny-looking, but she's a bad-ass kind of funny-looking. Like a hammerhead shark, or a VW Bus. — J.B.

1) Keith Richards
He may have been at war with his own body for four decades straight, but there's always been a handsome glint in Keith Richards' eye that suggests he thinks being a rock star is as strange and funny as we all hope it is. That glint, combined with being one of the only people on earth allowed to tell Mick Jagger to fuck off, creates a sexiness that transcends things like "a terrifying, masklike face." It's true that Richards might be better-looking these days if he'd stayed on the straight and narrow, but then he wouldn't be Keith Richards. — J.B.


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Daisy "of Love" is NOT sexy, unless you find giant fake boobs, constant crying, and a penchant for public slobbering a turn-on. Or, maybe that's what men really want?

NYG commented on 06/02

Danny McBride = "pheromones smell like Schlitz and coleslaw." Also half the guys I dated in college.

gah commented on 06/02

Mickey Rourke should have been #1. He's the epitome of Sexy Ugly.

Pik commented on 06/02

You forgot to mention that Tilda Swinton lives with her husband AND her boyfriend - WITH HER HUSBAND'S BLESSING. Not many people can pull that one off. Even pretty-sexy people.

TC commented on 06/02

I'm a gay man, and even I'd get with Sandra Bernhard.

Ben commented on 06/02

@TC - I think it's her EX-husband, not current husband ... I'm too lazy to confirm which is true.

CB commented on 06/02

Tilda Swinton was stunning as the White Witch

UB commented on 06/02

Never realized that Keith Richards was legitimately ugly all these years. He hides it well.

AN commented on 06/02

You fuckers should start your own danm magazine, with all the smoke and literary mirrors you're hanging...

AB commented on 06/02

Tim Roth is my ultimate sexy/ugly, how could you forget him?!

R commented on 06/02

I know this is odd, but for politicians I'd go with Barney Frank.

JK commented on 06/02

Mrs. Cobain could be a fetching lass if she cleaned up a bit, right? Wrong. Go watch The People vs. Larry Flynt again. Courtney Love is ugly. What utter, utter bullshit. Love may be have done her best to wreck her looks with drugs and cosmetic surgery, but she's fucking STUNNING in Larry Flynt. This list is, frankly, bollocks. As is the new layout.I'm a little shocked that 'shallowness' seems to have become the new super-duper added ingredient to your writing, Hooksexup. Bad omens all round, really.

DM commented on 06/03

The first part of that comment should be in quote marks obviously. I did space it, essay-style, so that it would be separate from the rest of the text, but the new format won't allow such woolly-headed, hippie-dippie craft-fare stuff onto your pages. Boo.

DM commented on 06/03

@DM - isn't the point that she's sexy AND ugly? And sorry - she is! She may be gorgeous but she's also falling the fuck apart.

OOF commented on 06/03

how could slash not make this list? he's damn sexy when he plays that guitar, and then he takes off his hat...shudder

kd commented on 06/03

Tilda Swinton is hot, you idiot.

EJ commented on 06/03

The list is hilarious, but also sad in its message that it is a lot easier for a man to be ugly and sexy than it is for a woman.

HP commented on 06/03

courtney love is not even a good wreck. just a bad one.

rj commented on 06/03

You left out my favorite, Leonard Cohen. Homely, in his 70's, gravely voice. I'd die for a night with him....Suzanne take me down...

bn commented on 06/03

Nice list

Aleo commented on 06/03

Where's PJ Harvey?

JM commented on 06/03

This gave me my best chuckles of the day. The writing is great. I guess it just goes to show you, with talent and a great self esteem, anything's possible.

YS commented on 06/03

howard stern just busted you

kw commented on 06/03

Sandra Bernhard is simply wicked gross. The only bad choice on this list, in my opinion.

BN commented on 06/03

howard stern totally called you out. and admitted he was ugly

TJ commented on 06/03

No James Gandolfini?

mf commented on 06/03

Ok so when you see Tilda Swinton in Narnia & then in Burn After Reading your amazed at seeing how she is out of character, say at the Oscars with those hideous dresses..She is very intriguing though

km commented on 06/03

LIke my initials, this stupid exercise in judging peoples' external appearance is BS. Who made you god to decide what is beautiful and what is ugly... How Presumptuous and silly of you to appoint yourself judge and jury...

BS commented on 06/03

How about adding pics of celebs without their pricey hairstyles & makeup? Your list would be much longer! Lots of unattractive people in Hollywood! They just know how to use their wealth to buy the best products & go to the spas!!!!

CJ commented on 06/03

Daisy looks pretty sometimes when she has make up on but have you seen the girl when she's not wearing make up? She looks terrible, which proves that she coats the shit on like there's no freaking tomorrow. She's ugly, but with make up she's okay. Just wish she didnt look like such a monkey

skad commented on 06/03

All I can say is "Is this a joke ?

mw commented on 06/03

My vote's for John Malkovich--bald, creepy features, eyes that look different directions, and yet, somehow, S - E - X - Y

sh commented on 06/03

There's nothing sexy about Courtney - she looks like a walking STD.

CL commented on 06/03

what would the opposite list look like?

fw commented on 06/03

Iggy Pop isn't ugly! He's gorgeous! And the other men on the list - with the exception of Keith richards are NOT sexy.

EL commented on 06/03

This list is genius! But where's Steven Tyler? He's the epitone of he's so ugly he's cute...

MB commented on 06/03

This list is genius! But where's Steven Tyler? He's the epitome of he's so ugly he's cute oh and Seal too...

MB commented on 06/03

poor mickey rourke, he was sooo beautiful in "angel heart". but i whole-heartedly agree w/keith richards being #1.

rb commented on 06/03

Where is Christopher Walken??????

IA commented on 06/03

Flavorwire's response: The Seven Un-Sexiest Attractive People

CAS commented on 06/03

Some of the comments made about the people on here are just so hilarious that I nearly passed out from laughing so much...especially the one about Manson and Amanda Lepore

JMS commented on 06/03

saw the ugly but never found anything sexy... STOOPID headline

zx commented on 06/03

Iggy and Willem are NOT ugly!! But yes, they are sexy.

ss commented on 06/03

What about Denis Leary? He's so sexy in Rescue Me, but he has a face only Mickey Rourke could love! His hair is great, he's tall, lanky, Irish and delicious, but the face is a mess. A sexy mess.

JP commented on 06/03

Hey Jack Murnighan, Howard Stern may have admitted that you're good looking, but it looks like you too are going to be on an ugly list pretty soon. Nice hairline heh heh heh. Didja ask your barber for the Jack Nicholson hairstyle? Looks like your hair follicles are committing suicide by the second! Can't wait to see the comb over you will be sporting in 2013!

LRT commented on 06/03

Juliette Lewis. So hot in Strange Days. She's not completely FUG but shes not conventionally pretty, but she can be donut grease hot.

GRV commented on 06/03

On the scale of 1 to 10, how fulfilling was this to write?

ZB commented on 06/03

(To J.C., the author of the blurb on Tilda Swinton) The fact that Tilda Swinton did an amazing job of portraying the White Witch in CN:LWW is owing all to her acting talent, and nothing to her looks. C.S. Lewis described Queen Jadis as extremely tall, extremely beautiful, and extremely cruel-looking. Even at her cruellest moments in the movie, Swinton looked somewhat detached, and not cruel, and certainly not the most beautiful woman anyone has ever seen. Please do more research before you classify something as "appropriate", or specify in what way you think it is appropriate, else you look like you don't know what you are talking about, to people who DO know.

ZB commented on 06/03

VERY good call on Danny Trejo. I find him oddly appealing despite the fact (or perhaps because of the fact?) that he looks like he's about to kill me.

DH commented on 06/03

@ DH - yeah! Danny Trejo. I never knew who he was, just recognized his face. There's something about craggy men. i just want to lick their cheeks.

kel commented on 06/03


pop commented on 06/03

Seal and Christopher Walken are genuinely attractive, so they don't count. But does anyone else find Harvey Keitel sexy? Kal Penn? Pell Gillette?

DH commented on 06/03

Great list except for Howard Stern and Woody Allen, These two posses absolutely zero sexual allure whatsoever, period. otherwise, perfect!

lku commented on 06/03

Tilda Swinton ugly?!!????? Are you nuts???? She is utterly, stunningly beautiful.

DD commented on 06/03

Years ago, I was shopping in the Tower Records near NYU. I couldn't stop checking this guy out who was shopping there as well. . . he was so ugly and so sexy it kinda blew my mind. I went up to the counter to make my purchase, and the clerks were all a-flutter. "Did you see that Iggy Pop is shopping in OUR STORE!?!" Oh, well that would explain it. Despite having seen him in concert, I didn't recognize him in a totally banal setting, but man was that ugly guy sexy.

mpb commented on 06/03

Howard Stern is totally SEXXXXYYYY!!! But he is NOT as ugly as half the guys on this list. Oh and I agree with JP. Denis Leary should have made the list. Haven't you heard his joke that he gets confused for Willem Defoe all the time! LOL

LRN commented on 06/03

Vicki Lewis.

CQ commented on 06/03

I completely agree with Iku

JP commented on 06/03

All these people are gross. Besides, really, who cares?

DD commented on 06/03

I agree that Tim Roth and PJ Harvey were left out, and I would absolutely add at #1 Andy Samberg.

ZM commented on 06/03

Christ, if Lyle Lovett can't make this list what the hell has the world come to?

BF commented on 06/03

Mickey Rourke should be #1.....I agree with your whole description on him...whoever wrote it feels exactly like I do about him...he is tough, yet vulnerable, a real alpha male, yet very gentle at times and sexxxy!... Agree on Danny Trejo, too....still would take Mickey before anyone!

ABC commented on 06/04

nothing about that list was sexy.

mm commented on 06/04

Fantastic picks. I'd add James Woods, but to whoever said Denis Leary: he's way too hot for this list.

mk commented on 06/04

Tilda Swinton is just plain fucking hot. You got that one flat ass wrong.

MC commented on 06/04

None of these people are sexy and most have obnoxious personalities.

JC commented on 06/04

Tilda Swinton is stunning (though in a space-alien-ish way) and doesn't belong on this list, which is populated by people who are either homely or cursed with terrible skin. Check out her translucence!

HM commented on 06/04

Can you guys fucking learn to spell? Irresistible. Don't you check anything?

ad commented on 06/04

That link is wrong, it goes to Sly Stone interview about 50 years ago. While we're back in the mid-'90s though, re-watch Love's drunken ambush of Kurt Loder and Madonna at the 1995 MTV Video Awards.

kaz commented on 06/04

I would definitely add Benicio del Toro to this list.

jcr commented on 06/04

Wow, why is Sandra Bernhard not number 1???? Her face looks like a train-wreck after a four-car pile-up caused by mounds of manure left by wandering cows... I hate that woman.

KA commented on 06/04

Thanks and bravo to the two of you who added Lyle Lovett and Benicio del Toro. Yum to both.

DH commented on 06/04

Bravo to whomever said Christopher Walken is genuinely attractive and therefore doesn't belong here! SOOO TRUE!

DR commented on 06/04

Ever notice the resemblance between Keith Richards and WWE's Undertaker?

BMJ commented on 06/04

Tilda Swinton is ugly? WTF? & Amy Winehouse? She's definitely not sexy, but she's not ugly. Especially if you put her next to ANY of the men on this list. The double standard is sickening.

JAJ commented on 06/04

However said Harvey Keitel........THANK YOU! There's just something about that man that is so damn sexy!

RR commented on 06/04

Denis Leary.....YUM!

RR commented on 06/04

Tilda Swinton is fucking beautiful. She does not belong on this list.

EFN commented on 06/04

you forget Edward James Olmos and Robert Davi, they've got that whole Danny Trejo thing going on. and Amy Winehouse is just skanky, never know what might fall out of that beehive.

TA commented on 06/04

Lyle Lovett?

epc commented on 06/04

Daisy is so ugly, bc her face and boobs are all fake. Well she fake.

ADP commented on 06/04

what a fantastic list

vll commented on 06/04

I can't help but notice the majority of these "sexy uggos" are men. I think it's pretty undeniable that "sexy" is still more closely tied to physical beauty for women, while men can be sexy because of a talent, their (physical or political) power or their bank account.

ABR commented on 06/04

How could you put a pedophile like Woody on the list this a sick society.

PJS commented on 06/04

When I first saw Willem Dafoe in "To Live and Die in L.A." I completely fell in love, and I still feel the same way. Michael "Alien Woman" Jackson would definitely be on the list of the ugliest things walking the face of the earth, however there's nothing sexy about him, so he definitely doesn't belong on this particular list. He's the REAl Paedophile NOT Woody.

EJ commented on 06/04

yeah, woody's more of an ephebophile. there's a difference

ps commented on 06/04

I've always disliked Howard Stern, no class, vulgar, disrespectful, no talent that I'm aware of. He does have nice hair.

DM commented on 06/04

Danny Trejo is ruggedly appealing. I really do find him sexy.

DM commented on 06/04

Benicio Del Toro, Denis Leary and Harvey Keitel are really too good looking for this list....they shouldn't be here....they are three of my faves but really, they aren't ugly nor do they have craggy skin or anything! Ok, they are not handsome but sexy in their own trouble-maker kind of way...but not ugly. And five-stars for Denis Leary's GORGEOUS hair, that I would like to run my fingers thru!

EM commented on 06/04

Once upon a time Rick Ocasek might have been sexy-ugly, but now he just looks like his mother. And I'm glad that Danny Trejo is no longer just that, "You know, that craggy-faced Hispanic guy".

JT commented on 06/05

Tilda Swinton is stunningly beautiful

AC commented on 06/05

She's like Sigourney Weaver or Angelica Houston: oddly beautiful, in an exaggerated way, where for a moment they may look almost ugly, then they turn or smile and then BAM... they knock you on your ass with their gorgeousness

AC commented on 06/05

My vote is for Tommy Lee Jones!

KH commented on 06/05

Tilda Swinton is ugly? Errr ... OK? What is it that actually attracts you to someone, I'm wondering. Do you actually try to see through all the makeup and hair styling to evaluate the natural beauty, or do you just get turned on by how tarted up a woman is? Because I can't figure out any reason why you would say she is "ugly" except that she does not have makeup, tan, or elaborate hair styling. Think you said more about yourself here, than Tilda Swinton.

MM commented on 06/05

Willem Dafoe is very sexy. I admit -- an acquired taste -- not for everyone. But hot!!

bek commented on 06/05

Tilda Swinton: Would drink her bath water.

ms commented on 06/05

I'm joining the protest over Tilda Swinton's inclusion. I agree that some of these people are both ugly and sexy (it's a great idea for a list actually) but Ms. Swinton is sexy and effing gorgeous. Whose 12-year-old boy was recently put on staff at Hooksexup?

dn commented on 06/05

Madonna and Courtney Love wrestling each other in a rough submission match. One can only dream.

SR commented on 06/05

My all time gold medal winner? Pulleeze . . . Willy Nelson was retired to the SUP Hall of Fame decades ago. Even now that honey on toast voice woos me, and if he started in singin' I'd plum forgit those unsettling grey/brown braids! BTW, Harvey Keitel is dead sexy -- just watch him in The Piano, facial tattoos and all.

NJH commented on 06/05

Is Lady Gaga truly homely, or is it just that she always finds some way to obscure her face? Rockin' bod, tho. So she might qualify as ugly/sexy.

NJH commented on 06/05

Is Lady Gaga truly homely, or is it just that she always finds some way to obscure her face? Rockin' bod, tho. So she might qualify as ugly/sexy.

NJH commented on 06/05

Is Lady Gaga truly homely, or is it just that she always finds some way to obscure her face? Rockin' bod, tho. So she might qualify as ugly/sexy.

NJH commented on 06/05

sexy and ugly may go together sometimes (ahem...) but sexy and creepy? Not so much. Give Woody Allen the boot. He's like your scary uncle. Great uncle, now.

AD commented on 06/05

Who is that crazy ugly latin actor... oh yeah, Luis Guzman! He is the ugliest man I would do today. Luis Guzman, you so macho!

AD commented on 06/05

Don't agree with your Tilda Swinton assessment... I think she's a beautiful woman, always have.

DM commented on 06/05

Also - would not have included Woody Allen in your list. I think he's creepy, and anyone who would be boffing his adolescent daughter behind his wife's back could hardly be called "charming."

DM commented on 06/05

I'm not sure I understand this. You are saying ugly-outside, yet something inside that makes them sexy? The men, maybe I see, but most of the women are off. Where on the inside is Winehouse or C Love sexy? They're just ugly through and through. And while Swinton may not be a runway model, she's far from ugly. My suggestions: Janeane Garofalo, Peaches and Beth Ditto.

KS commented on 06/06

Tilda Swinton is hot in every way. I was shocked to see you call her ugly.

JK commented on 06/06

Bleh. What a wasted opportunity this list is. You couldn't find one single woman that actually fit the terms of the headline, other than Sandra Bernhard -- so I'm gonna assume this was written by a woman or a gay man. There are tons of ugly yet hot women out there you could've cited, and you came up with only one that actually "works". What about Bai Ling? Martha Plimpton? Michelle Rodriguez? Come on, people. Try harder.

SG commented on 06/06

Bleh. What a wasted opportunity this list is. You couldn't find one single woman that actually fit the terms of the headline, other than Sandra Bernhard -- so I'm gonna assume this was written by a woman or a gay man. There are tons of ugly yet hot women out there you could've cited, and you came up with only one that actually "works". What about Bai Ling? Martha Plimpton? Michelle Rodriguez? Come on, people. Try harder.

SG commented on 06/06

Errrrr... where's Jonah Hill? Was he too pretty to be on this list?

GB commented on 06/06

You can't make a sexy-ugly list without Rod Stewart. He's my all time fave sexy-ugly.

BG commented on 06/06

Everybody says I look and remind them of Mr. Buscemi...yikes and I thought I was good looking all these years.At least we are both from P.S. Bklyn!!!!

JH commented on 06/07

Those people are so ugly

MP commented on 06/07

Where is Jeff Goldblum? He is not the most attractive person but he is sexy!!

LLB commented on 06/07

Tilda Swinton is radiantly beautiful, really quite sublime.

HBO commented on 06/08

Were you limiting this to live people? Cause Humphrey Bogart was NOT a handsome man, but he had sex appeal coming out of every pore (and he got Baby too!) And then there's Dustin Hoffman, a homely little guy who has that repressed neurotic sexuality (and who has aged, like Ringo Starr, exceedingly well).

NJH commented on 06/08

What do you do about stars who are ugly and NOT sexy, e.g., Ben Affleck? What accounts for his popularity?

IJ commented on 06/09

only three of those folks - Courtney Love, Tilda Swinton and Iggy Pop - are remotely sexy, but the rest sure are ugly

MS commented on 06/11

I ALWAYS thought Steve Buscemi is sexy. Always. And Willem Dufoe. Hell yes.

cm commented on 06/11

Nick nolte had gone from hunky to homeless, but you'd still do him!

jc commented on 06/11

SG, Martha Plimpton is a good example. I don't think she's ugly, but she's not pretty at all and she's still sexy and cool-looking. (BTW, I'm a straight woman.) She was great on a recent L&O re-run. Smart + talented = sexy.

CB commented on 06/11

Woody Allen?? Pedophiles are definitely not sexy.The 30s and 40s had great sexy/ugly lead men: Bogart, Cagney, William Powell. And don't forget that Keith Richards always got the most beautiful women - he's been married to a former supermodel for over 20 years.

cg commented on 06/12

Ben Stiller. Ugliest man in too many films.

TFT commented on 06/12

Gotta agree with Jeff Goldblume. He has always been ugly but there is something sooooo sexy about him. What about Frenchie from VH1 reality Tv? She has a beautiful body but a face to protect it!!!

CK commented on 06/12

John C Reilly is just too cute, he makes me sigh like a schoolgirl every time I see him! Danny Mcbride is also cute, and whoever said John Malkovich! I like Jonah Hill, though he's just chubby (though too many people nowadays equate fat=ugly)... but it is true that men can be "ugly" but still totally hot, but it's harder for women if they're ugly, it's too bad women have to continually torure themselves for acceptance :(

BB commented on 06/15

Tilda Swinton is not ugly.

msd commented on 06/15

Harry Dean Stanton.

ABC commented on 06/16

Sandra Oh

ABC commented on 06/16

no fat chicks, huh? because they're not ugly!

IOP commented on 06/18

Similar list on The Electors, of the Top 10 Taboo Sexiest People:

AG commented on 06/19

Oh, COME on! How is Mick Jagger not on this list?!

LP commented on 06/30

What have you editors all been smoking and drinking to come up with this list?! Sure there are ugly people that are sexy, but these people ain't!...

J.G. commented on 07/10

Where is James Woods?

JXM commented on 07/10

"You can just picture those meathook-hands wrapping around your lower back and carrying you somewhere you desperately want to be." That is one of the hottest lines I've read in a magazine in a long time. Kudos to you, J.B.

kat commented on 07/10

Tilda Swinton is gorgeous!

dd commented on 07/15

I expected Steven Tyler to make this list. I find him undeniably sexy and very appealing... everyone I share this with finds me crazy. Go figure.

DT commented on 07/15

I think this girl and this guy are just hideous so I'll throw em in here. Sarah Jessica Parker is as fugly as it gets. Bitch has veins running through her face and enough makeup to kill someone. Family guy opnce said her face looks like a foot and I couldnt agree more. As for the guy what about that ghoulish comedian brian possehn. Again neither of em are sexy both are just plain out ugly as hell

TS commented on 07/16

Tilda Swinton is not ugly. Check her out in the latest Jim Jarmusch film. She is a knockout. This list is lame. Most of these people are either skanks and/or unattractive people who can get sexy partners because of their wealth and fame (such as Woody Allen and Ric Ocasek).

TM commented on 07/18

I agree with Paul Giamatti's inclusion. Courtney Love was attractive in the '90s when she was starring in movies, though admittedly she has always been a train wreck. My votes for the two sexiest ugly actors are Sean Penn and Lyle Lovett.

MN commented on 07/18

Tilda Swinton is so ugly and scary it's a crime.

JB commented on 07/18

I pretty much agree that Tilda should not be on this list..Sarah Jessica Parker, Lady GaGa, and Clive Owen are three that I can think of that were left off

JH commented on 07/20

Where's Brigette Neilson? When she played Red Sonya I would've gladly done her. Now.....It would take a few shots of Jim Beam to kick it into gear.

DC commented on 07/21

Tilda Swinson is sexy b/c even with her slight stature she could dominate anyone. Hawt! Oh and IJ's comment LOL

AH commented on 07/23

Where's Vin Diesel?

TT commented on 07/28

Hell yeah, Mickey Rourke! It says alot for his appeal that in "Sin City" he was covered in prosthetics and sharing a movie With Clive Owen and Bruce Willis, but he was the man I looked at. You're right about Danny Trejo as well. I read a great Esquire feataure on character actors they loved (incidentally, four of them were also on this list, character actors are just hot) and his description was "usually plays: a badass excon you don't want to mess with. Actually is: a badass excon you don't want to mess with" On some messed up masochistic level, that's sexy as hell. Oh and you have my love for putting Paul Giamatti on here, Great actor, who I normally just find cute or charming, but who made me look at him very differently in Duets and John Adams

HH commented on 07/30

A couple of notes though. Howard Stern?! Really?! Constitutionally protected mysoginy bordering on hate speech IS NOT SEXY no matter how confidently delivered! And where are your actually ugly but sexy women? I'm a straight girl so no one is coming immedeately to mind for me, but there must be a female equivalent to Steve Buschemi and it aint Daisy de la Hoya!

HH commented on 07/30

HOW CAN YOU FORGET JAY-Z ??? His features look like Mr. Camel but his swagger is amazing - hence he married Beyonce

TW commented on 07/30

There are too many strange looking celebs to mention, but will say that I have seen John Malkovich in person, and his appearance is profoundly unappetizing.

RM commented on 08/23

God damnit, i just hate celebs. Like midgets, they piss me off. However, these people are not ugly, ugly. Go to for some real ugly ones

KR commented on 08/26

ugly people is the link, sry

KR commented on 08/26

You dicks need eyes and good taste, Tilda Swinton is not ugly.

FFS commented on 09/07

u dicks need eyes ,tilda swinton is prety

kiss commented on 10/30

OMG i love love love you i laughed so hard, i just recovered from a coughing fit. this list is so good i think it gave me TB

sg commented on 11/16

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